Jakki's babies and Sorra gets sick

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A/N okay so you guys wanted me to update this story even though some chapters are missing. I'll try to give you a sort of summary of what I think happened in the chapter before. I'll do my best for you guys! 

Summary: So we all know that Jakki was raped basically she went into labour and now she's had the babies... READ ON!

you were so happy for Jakki. Suki kept telling you how protective she was. she wouldn't let anyone hold them longer than 5 minutes. you could understand, they were her babies and they were her first babies. she would never let those two out of her site. she alwas sent you picture of how they were growing up and they were so adorable.

you were looking at the most recent picture of the babies and you smiled. they were so freakin CUTE!!! Kakashi had his dad's hair and mommy's eyes. Haruna had mommies hair and grandma's eyes. it was one of those traits that was every other generation so Haruna got it. Haruna was the first to talk and Jakki always put her on to talk. you were talking to her on the phone. it was like your ritual, the phone bill was more than food! 

you: put Haruna on! 

Jakki: okay hold on! come here sweetey! auntie Sorra wants to talk to you! come on! 

Haruna: hi!!! 

you: hi sweetey! how are you? 

Haruna: i love you auntie Sorra! 

you: aw! i love you too baby! 

Haruna: mommy! 

Jakki: yeah honey? 

Haruna: sleepy... 

you: aww! i'm gonna let her sleep, we'll talk tomorrow Jakki. 

Jakki: okay, bye Sorra! 

you: bye. 

you hung up the phone and walked into the living room. Naruto was still asleep so no video games today. you walked into the kitchen and took out some cereal. you ate it while going around your room picking out what you were going to wear. while you were choosing Naruto woke up. 

Naruto: i want somm...mmm.hkikfsal... 

you: say what? 

Naruto: i want some cereal. 

you: how the hell did you get cereal from hkikfsal?! 

Naruto: yeah yeah... 

you: i'm just pickin out my outfit. 

Naruto: oh yeah today we have off. 

you: yep. what are you gonna do today? 

Naruto: i'm goin to a movie with Hinata. 

you: aw! i don't know what i'm doing. probably go work out with Ino. 

Naruto: you work out? 

you: yes i do work out! all the time! 

Naruto: when? 

you: yesterday! and...the day before... well i usually work out during my own training. 

Naruto: yeah yeah. i'm glad you and Ino worked things out. 

you: so am i. 

you called up Ino and she agreed to go jogging with you in the park. you got in your little jogging outfit and went to meet her when you got there Ino was wearing the same jogging outfit. you both satrted laughing 

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