Back to the Cloud Village

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you were just getting of the train for the Cloud Village. being pregnant really had it's advantages, people were nicer, they got out of your way, and they smiled a lot more. you had just gotten to your mom's hotel and were unpacking with Sasuke. he wanted to share a room with you because he didn't want to miss anything pregnancy wise.

you: i'm so excited about seeing Moon!

Sasuke: so am i. she's gonna be so surprised at how big your stomach has gotten. i'm all done here.

he had finished emptying the suitcases and everything was in the right place. he kissed you and you smiled.

Sasuke: do you wanna get something to eat? 

you: God yes!

you grabbed your purse and walked out hand in hand. when you were walking down the hallway Suki came up to you and embraced you in a tight hug.

you: Suki! hi!!! oh i missed you!!

Suki: same here! look how fat you are!

you: Suki i'm pregnant i'm allowed to be fat! 

Suki: lucky!

Sasuke: you're naturally thin!

Suki looked lost in space like a dumb barbie.

Suki: oh yeah...i am! i'm so lucky!

you guys laughed and she went backot her job at the hospital. you went into the lobby and were greeted by Kimiruu and Morina.

Kimiruu: Sorra! i'm so glad you're here! wow, look at your stomach.

Morina: how far along are you? 

you: tomorrow will make it 8 months. 

Morina: wow! you're getting pretty far! are you nervous? 

you: a little but i have a lot of support from my family. 

Morina: that's great! do you know whether the baby is a boy or a girl?

you: we decided to wait for it to be a surprise.

Naruto: it's a girl!!!! i'm telling you it's a girl!!!

Sasuke looked at Naruto with a dead look.

Naruto: it's going to be a girl i know i know it i know it! 

Sasuke: are you sure Naruto? you don't sound so certain.

you all laughed and Naruto just glared.

Kimiruu: can i touch your stomach?

you: sure kid! he went up and put his hand on your stomach. as soon as he did the baby kicked and it surprised him.

Kimiruu: i think that's the youngest person ever to reject me.

you laughed again and Kimiruu smiled.

you: i'm sure the baby likes you it was just a coincidence. me and Sasuke are going to go eat so we'll see you guys later. 

Sasuke: bye guys! 

everyone: bye!

you waved and left. there was a little restaurant right down the street from the hotel and you guys went there. the waiter came up to you and smiled.

waiter: what can i get you?

you: um...i'll just have the chicken and the side salad and green tea. 

waiter: and for the gentlemen?

Sasuke: i think i'll have the miso soup and water is fine. 

waiter: alright your order should be here shortly.

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