Aren't they to young to be drinking?

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you stared at them all blankly. what the hell?!?!?! BROTHER!?!?! your brother died you might've remembered another brother. your mother came up to you and held your hands.

mom: honey i know this is a shock. why don't we go find somewhere to sit and i'll tell you everything.

you all walked into another room with a few couches. you all sat down and your supposed "brother" sat next to Suki on the couch across from you. was this really happenening?

mom: alright. we all went through loss when your father died. it came as a shock to all of us but after the funeral i was feeling sick and i found out i was pregnant. your father had just died and i already had three children, if we had anther one we would go into a terrible financial state. that's when i met a woman named Karin. she walked into the hotel and stayed for a few days. one day i heard her talking on her phone and she worked for an adoption agency. we got to talking and she found out my situation. we ored out everthing and the baby would stay in the orphan's home, i wanted to stay in touch with him. i delt with it for the first few months but my stomach started to grow and--

you: that's why you left?!? that was't a business trip!!! those were the ast months of your pregnancy!

you started to yell and your mother calmed you down.

mom: honey please listen. i wanted him to be safe, i kept it open and i visited him every weekend.

Kimiruu: yep! i always liked it when i got to see her. she showed me pictures of you guys and told me stories. i did fel bad sometimes for not beig able to see you guys in real life but i understand.

Suki: yeah, this little twerp came into my life after you left.

mom: he wanted to leav the home, and i wanted him to be with us.

Kimiruu: i'm happy i came! i was so excited when i saw you! i have always wanted to meet you, you're my sister.

you looked at Kimiruu. after Kimoto died you always had a hole in your heart. he could never be replaced but you had a brother again. you've wanted that ever since he died. you walked up to Kimiruu, you had tears in your eyes.

you: really brother?

Kimiruu: 100 percent.

you hugged him tightly and he hugged you back.

you: well,today is just full of surprises.

Suki: i know. i feel like i'm in some stupid soap opera.

Kimiruu: it is pretty dramatic.

you: mom was alwas a drama queen.

you all laughed. Kakashi went to deliver the croll an ou were in your room with Kimiruu. you guys were talking about your likes, dislikes, funny memories, tings like that. Kimiruu was a cool kid. the more you talked with him the more it felt like you were taling to Kimoto. now yo understood his name. Kimoto and imiruu, pretty smilar. but your mother had named him aftr both your brother and our father.

Jiruu Kimoto = Kimiruu. mom was a weird one... Suki burst through the door and you jumped. Kimiruu was unphased.

Kimiruu: i kinda expect it now, she's crazy so i'm kinda used to it.

Suki stuck her tongue at him and turned to you.

Suki: Sorra get changed becuase tonight we're going out!

you: what?

Suki: you heard me! i'm taking you and your team to the hottest spots in the village! it'll be great! you: that actually sound like fun!

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