We're finally alone!!!

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you and Sasuke were finally alone. THANK GOD!!! he turned to you with a little smile.
Sasuke: i have an idea.
you: what?
Sasuke: how about we get some food to-go and we eat it in the forest. sort of like a picnic type of thing!
you: that would be so great!
you guys got some to-go ramen and you about to go towards the forest when Sasuke stopped you.
Sasuke: i have a special place in the forest. not many poeple know about it. wanna go?
you nodded and he did a few handsigns. he quickly grabbed your wrist and he transferred you guys to a different place. before you saw where you were he covered your eyes.
you: Sasuke! what're you doing?
you said laughing.
Sasuke: just wait. i want you to be surprised.
you: that's unavoidable, i've never been here!
Sasuke: you'll be happy you came. let me hold the food.
you: alright.
you handed him the food and he still kept his hands over your eyes.
you: come on Sasuke i'm dying!
Sasuke: alright alright.
he uncovered your eyes and you gasped. it was beautiful! It was a big feild with a single bench and all of the trees were cherry blossom trees! There were som many cherry blossoms on the ground you could barely see the grass. The temperature was perfect and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
you cupped your mouth with your hands.
you: Sasuke...it...it's gorgeous!
Sasuke: so are you.
you blushed bright red and you both made your way to the little bench. you guys took the food out and started to eat. he turned to you.
Sasuke: Sorra?
you: yeah Sasuke?
Sasuke: since we're alone. what did happen?
you: what do you mean?
Sasuke: start from the beginning. from as early as you can remember.
you: i still don't understand.
Sasuke: your childhood.
you: oh.
you looked around as if half expecting someone to jump out. you didn't want anyone to know.
you: can i trust you?
Sasuke: yes of course!
you: you have to promise me.
Sasuke: what? anything!
you: when i'm done you have to tell me your past.
Sasuke: definetely.
you sighed and you told him everything. when your father died, your bond with your brother, when you became an ANBU black OPPS captain, and when your mother remairried. you even told him about the whole take over. what you saw when you came home. you started to cry and he comforted you through it all.
you: a-and when i found him, th-there was my brother K-kimoto l-lying on the f-floor!
you kept crying and Sasuke held you close. he released you and you wiped your eyes.
you: after i saw he was dead i f-faught him. and once i tied him u-up i...
you looked in his eyes and than looked back down, there was no way you could tell him. nobody knew.
Sasuke: what happened? this is the part that no one ever learned in school!
you: no, it's the most horrible awful thing i've ever done in my whole life. if i told you you would hate me. you would never want to see me ever again.
Sasuke: Sorra look at me.
he lifted your chin so you were looking him in the eyes.
Sasuke: Sorra there is nothing, NOTHING you could ever say that would make me hate you. you could lie, break my heart, or curse me in my face but i will never EVER hate you.
you: alright...
you took another deep breath and he rubbed your back slowly.
you: i charged at him while he as laughing. he look so surprised and i stabbed him in the stomach. when he was down coughing up blood something took over me. i didn't feel human. i took the two katanas that were hanging on the wall and...and...
Sasuke: and what?
you: and i started to chop him up. i went feet first and worked my way up with him screaming the whole time...i chopped him up...alive!
you couldn't stop the crying it was so horrible.
you: than i th-threw the bloody p-peices in the fire and w-watched him burn. i was drenched in his blood and it went everywhere...squirting and spilling all over the floor. but i didn't care. i was just so mad. now you stopped crying and you were clenching your fists.
you: i hated him. he killed half my village, he killed my brother, and he was going to kill my sister and mother, and me! i hate him...i HATE him! i'm glad he's dead! i don't care! I HOPE HE'S BURNING IN HELL! YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!!! I HATE YOU!!!
you were screaming into oblivion Sasuke watching you this whole time. he had a look that said "i'm concerned, i wish i could take away your hurt, i care" and the best look of all "i love you" you dropped to your knees sobbing uncontrollably in your hands.
Sasuke kneeled next to you and gave you a soft hug. you wrapped your arms around him and cried into his shoulder. it felt so good to let it all out. you hadn't cried like this since it happened. you were so grateful Sasuke was there. you started to calm down and you both sat on the bench. you smiled and he wiped the last tear from your cheek.
you: thank you.
Sasuke just smiled at you.
you: it's your turn.
he nodded and took a deep breath. he did the same, he told you how his mother always supported him, his dad preferred Itachi, and how Itachi ignored him. he told you of how he came home to see his parents dead and Itachi standing over them. how horrible he felt for not being able to save them. you both talked about that too, how you felt so horrible because it felt like your fault they died even though there was nothing you could've done. he told you about all of his stupid fan girls and how he's never had feelings for any of them. you couldn't help but laugh when he told you about his accidental kiss with Naruto. and he told you about how restoring his clan and killing itachi were not his dreams, he would make them real. he even told you about Orochimaru and how he went to him to get stronger. he did become significantly stronger but it was time he left. he tried to tell Orochimaru that he wanted to go back home and how he objected and it resulted in him killing not only Orochimaru but Kabuto also. and by him defeating them it showed just how strong he really was. by now your face wasn't red anymore, you were back to normal. you two hadn't even realized how late it was.
Sasuke: i know Itachi is somewhere out there. i'm going to find him and kill him.
you: i know you will.
Sasuke: thanks Sorra, that means a lot.
you two looked up, it was already dark. it was a full moon that night and the stars were shining so brightly, there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. it was almost like they knew you and Sasuke liked each other and wouldn't mind some beautiful scenery.
you: the stars are so beautiful tonight.
Sasuke: i can think of a girl that's 1 million times more beautiful than any star in the sky.
you looked at him blushing. he looked at you and he looked in your eyes. you saw the pain, the sadness, but you also saw the love, the kindness. behind the anger, the sadness, and the emotionless face was a teenage boy begging for someone to care. you were that someone and he knew it. the more you looked into his eyes the closer you got. before you knew it his lips were touching yours. they were so soft and warm. you could taste the lust, the passion, it felt like he's been wanting to do this for a long time. you broke apart and couldn't help but smile at each other. he did some hand signs and you appeared on your bed with Sasuke holding you bridal style. he put you down and kissed you once more before he left out the window. you two hadn't realized how much fun you had, you hadn't realized how the time just flew by, you hadn't realized...

you were in love.

they finally kissed! thanks for reading!

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