Moon's Confidence // Marriage

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~~*Moon's POV*~~

you were sitting in bed and were so excited. Jakki was buying you a dress today! it was gonna be pretty! she said you could wear it all day and you were so excited! she walked into the room and she was beaming.

Jakki: hey Moon! you ready?

you: almost.

you were already dressed in a pink t-shirt and some capris all you had to do was grab your wig. you reached for it but you didn't take it. you stould there a few seconds and Jakki looked confused.

Jakki: what's wrong honey?

a smile lit across your face.

you: one second Jakki!

you ran to the table next to your bed and grabbed your pink hat with the flower. you put it on and Jakki smiled.

Jakki: no wig today?

you: nope! i wanna be me!

she smiled and you hopped onto her back. she gave you a piggy-back ride out of the hospital to the dress store. everyone looked at you and saw you wearing your hat but no hair underneath. you didn't care what they thought. you knew you were pretty and thats all that mattered. Jakki walked into the store and a woman walked up to you.

woman: hi, can i help you wo with something?

Jakki: yes, we would like a lovely dress for this lovely lady on my back.

you smiled at her and waved.

you: hi! i'm Moon!

woman: wel hello! we have a wide selection of dresses for you! pick anything you like!

you: thank you!

Jakki put you down and you looked around. everything was so pretty! you liked everything. you tried on some things but they weren't what you were looking for. Jakki was helping you with everything.

Jakki: what do you want Moon? you can pick anything!

you: i'm not sure. they're all pretty but i want something that makes me feel...makes me look happy! something that's light colored and happy!

Jakki: well...i thin i can help you there.

she grabbed a dress that was...prefect!!!

it was white and had to little pockets on it. on the bottom was pink stitching all around and a big rainbow. you loved rainbows. you went and tried it on and when you walked out Jakki started to cry.

Jakki: you look...beautiful Moon...absolutely beautiful.

you: so i can have it?

Jakki: yes.

you ran up to her and threw your arms around her neck.

you: thank you Jakki thank you!

she hugged you back and smiled.

Jakki: you're so, so welcome Moon.

she bought the dress and you wore it out of the store. it was so pretty and since white goes with everything it matched with your hat. Jakki held your hand and you both walked down the streets.

Jakki: i have a surprise for you.

you: what is it?

Jakki: you'll have to come with me.

you got on her back again and she started to run. you were laughing and so was she. you could feel the wind on your face and since you didn't have hair it didn't get in the way. all you felt was air. sweet sweet air.

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