Sister, Mom, and a new brother?

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you guys had been traveling for a while. you were so BORED of walking and walking...walking...walking oh hey guess what MORE WALKING!!!!
you thought you were gonna die! thank God your team is funny or you WOULD'VE died!!!! you reached the gates and you were smiling ear to ear. it had been SO long since you last saw those gates. you guys walked in and you took a deep breathe smelling the Cloud Village air. you saw all the people waving and smiling, the others were giggling from how happy you were. you pleaded to stay at the hotel your mom owned and after a LO-HOT of convincing Kakashi finally gave way. you reached the doors to the lobby and you opened the doors. there was a blonde girl, VERY beautiful!!! she was manning the desk. she came out from behind and greeted you.

girl: hi welcom to the Tazuki Hotel! i'm Suki and i'm the assistant manager.

your eyes were the size of dinner plates. this wasn't Suki. Suki was a shy little girl who liked to clean the roms so noone would ever see her, this Suki was greeting people when they walked through the door!!!!! you looked her up and down, she was GORGEOUS!!! you had missed her so much tears began to build up in your eyes. she looked the group over and her eyes drifted to you. she had the look of "o...m...g..."

Suki: S...Sorra?

you: Suki?

you and Suki: AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!

you both screamed super loud and started jumping up and down. you hugged each other still jumping and screaming. you both had tears rolling down your cheeks.

Suki: OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!

(when i type omg i'm just too lazy to type oh my God. i know i'm lazy!!!....shut up...^__^ JK)

you: you're so gorgeous!!!

Suki: me? look at you!!! you're a BABE!!!!

you: i missed you so much!!

Suki: you missed me? HA!!! do you how many nights i was bored shitless waiting for you to come home? i've missed you so much! you're my sister for God's sake!!!!

she gripped you tightly and you did the same. you had missed her SOOOOO much!
She was wearing a maid outfit and her blonde hair was now down to her calves.

she really was pretty! Kakashi smiled at you both. Suki was beaming.

Suki: you HAVE to see mom! she has gray hair! it's hysterical!!

you laughed so hard. you missed Suki's sense of humor.

Suki: MOM!!!!

your mom: what the hell do you want?!?!?!

Suki: someone's here to see you!!!!

your mom: i'm busy! how important could they be?

Suki: it's you daughter!!!

your mom: you're my daughter!!

you: mom? i'm here visiting with my team! it's me, Sorra!

it was silent and you couldn't hear a thing. you heard a few footsteps and your mother came out. she looked exactly like you remembered only...gray hair.

mom: S...Sorra?

you: it's me mom.

she clasped her hand to her mouth and she ran to you hugging you tighter than Suki. she was balling and so were you. noone knew how to make you cry better than your mother! she looked at you, touching your hair, feeling your face. she looked at your clothes, spun you around a few times.

mom: it's really you!

you: of course! i'll be here for a few weeks, my team is on a mission here in the Cloud Village.

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