A kiss in the rain...

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you were running. the tears were flowing down your face and you didn't care what your makeup looked like anymore, you just wanted to run. where? it didn't matter. just as long as you got away from him.you heard Naruto running behind you.

Naruto: Sorra! Sorra!

you stopped and turned around. he came up to you and hugged you. you cried a little louder this time.

Naruto: come on. let's go home.

you: b-but what about H-hinata.

Naruto: i told her you needed me. she understands, she's cool like that. now come on, i'm gonna take you home. you're gonna change into your pj's and you can tell me what happened.

you: o-okay...

you guys walked home and you changed into your pajamas, washed off your makeup, and put your hair in a ponytail. seeing the curls just made you sad. you walked out and Naruto was sitting on the couch. you told him everything that happened. Naruto just sat there listening.

Naruto: i swear i'm gonna kill Sasuke!

he got up ad clenched his fists.

Naruto: how dare he do this to you?!?!

you: Naruto calm down.

Naruto: how can i?! he's a rotten dirty jerk and i can't stand here and let him treat you like this!

you: just calm down! geez you're acting like you're my father.

Naruto: i just don't want to see you like this.

you: then don't.

Naruto: what?

you: go find Hinata. you guys should have fun. besides i'm gonna go for a walk.

you got up and put on your jacket as you headed for the door. Naruto was still looking at you with sad eyes.

you: i said go! come on how am i supposed to feel knowing i ruined your night too?

Naruto: but you didn't!

you: i'd just fel better if you went.

Naruto: but-

you: please.

he hugged you and you both went outside.

Naruto: are you sure?

you: positive.

he nodded and started to run the other way.

you: don't be surprised if i don't come back home. i'll probably be walking all night!

Naruto: all riht! just be careful!

you: i'll be fine!

after that he turned the corner and left your sight. you started to walk with your hands in your pockets. as if you didn't have enough problems it started to sprinkle, then it started to rain, pretty soon it turned into the kind of downpour where you can't see that well. not really flooding but there were puddles everywhere. you were kind of glad because the rain masked your tears.

~~*Sasuke's POV*~~

you took off running. it started to rain and you just cursed at the sky.

you: perfect! thank you! this is EXACTLY what i needed!

you started to walk towards Sorra and Naruto's place but then stopped.

you(thinking): she's not gonna want to see me. i might as well go home.

you did some handsigns and poofed in your house. you slowly walked up the stairs into your bedroom. you looked around just thinking about Sorra and how hurt she looked. you changed into your pj's and went back downstairs and just sat on the couch thinking.

you(thinking): she'll never take me back. i wish that stupid fangirl would just keep her mouth shut! she's insane! i never loved her! i only loved Sorra...and now she hates my guts.

you just sat there depressed wishing so badly she was with you. then you heard someone yelling outside. it sounded an awful lot like Sorra. you ran up to your window and there she was just yelling at the sky.

~~*Back to your POV*~~

you just kept walking in the downpour. you didn't care. nothing mattered anymore. you were walking for at least 30 minutes and you looked up at the sky.

you: why?!?

you yelled. you half expected someone to answer. you felt crazy, you were yelling at the rain?

you: why?! i trusted him! i LOVED him!! and he just ripped it all away! i cared about him! i spilt my heart out to him! it's not fair!!! what did i ever do?!?! this is punishment for my step-father isn't it?!!? i don't want to hurt anymore! i'm tired of the guilt!!!

Sasuke: Sorra?!is that you?!?

you turned and saw Sasuke coming out a door. you looked and saw that you ended up in front of his house on your little walk of pain.

Sasuke: Sorra what are you doing?!?! you'll get sick!

you: i don't care! why should you?!!? shouldn't you be with that girl you LOVE so much!?!?

Sasuke: the only person i love is you!

you: than what was she talking about?!?!

Sasuke: i have no idea!!! she's literally CRAZY!!! i've never even talked to her!!!

you: yeah i'm sure!

Sasuke: i'm telling the truth! you're the only person i want to be with, the only one i want to love!!! please believe me!!

you: i don't know.

Sasuke: Sorra why would i EVER love anyone else?!?! you're the funniest, smartest, most insanely GORGEOUS girl...woman, i've ever met! that day we were alone when we told each other everything, i knew i was falling in love with you! i knew it the moment i looked into your eyes! please believe me! if you don't i'll never be able to get over you!

you looked up at the sky and coughed, the rain might have been getting to you.

Sasuke: see you're getting sick! come inside, what are you waiting for?!?!

you: i'm waiting for you to say i love you!!!

he was silenced. he ran out from his house and kissed you. that one kiss said so many things. "i love you, i need you, i want, i must have you, you're special, you're wonderful, you're my reason...for everything!" he pulled apart from you.

Sasuke: i love you...

you kissed him again and he kissed you back holding you tightly. you made your way into his house and he shut the door. you were still kissing him passionately over and over. he started to put his tongue in your mouth and you didn't object. he picked you up and you put your arms around him kissing him again. he opened his bedroom door and put you down on his bed climbing on top of you. you just held him tighter as he began to kiss and suck at your neck. it turned into a make-out session. after a few minutes of kissing you began taking off each other's clothes. it wasn't what you planned but it was happening.

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