Kimiruu has a crush and blackmail Sasuke

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you woke up with the biggest smile on your face. you shifted in Sasuke's arms and it woke him up too. he looked down at you and smiled. 
Sasuke: hey gorgeous. 
you: hi sweetheart! 
you quickly kissed him and got up. he grabbed your wrist. 
Sasuke: baby don't go. 
you: hun i gotta shower. i'm all nasty. 
he gave you another kiss. 
Sasuke: alright but don't take too long. i'll miss you. 
you: you know you could shower in your room. 
Sasuke: what if someone sees me? 
you: honey it's...what, 8:30 in the morning? Kakashi is reading, Sakura is showering, and Naruto won't be up until noon most likely. Suki is PMSing and cleaning some rooms, Kimiruu is hiding from Suki, and my mom...well...just go. 
Sasuke: alright. but if someone sees me- 
you: no one will see you. 
you threw him a towel to wrap around himself and he grabbed all his clothes. he smiled before he left and you waved beaming. 
~~*Sasuke's POV*~~ 
you looked both ways as you opened Sorra's door. unfortunately your door was 6 doors down and you had to run down the hallway, naked, in a towel, without anyone seeing you. you started to run towards your door you got to it and tried to pull your key card from your jeans but they were empty. did you leave them at Sorra's? she was in the shower she wouldn't hear you. you kept searching through your jeans. 
Kimiruu: looking for this?
you turned to see Kimiruu holding your key card in his hand and he was smiling at you evilly. 
you: come on Kimiruu i don't want anyone to see me! 
Kimiruu: aw! poor naked Sasuke! look i'm not stupid, i know you've been banging my sister and i just wanted some evidence. 
you: what? 
Suki: Kimiruu? 
your face turned bright red as Suki looked at you. she tried to control herself from laughing. 
Suki: Kimiruu i can't believe you went through with this! 
you: you were planning this!?!?! 
Kimiruu: yeah, i'm an evil kid what can i say? 
you: give me my key card you little- 
Kimiruu: ah ah ah! you don't wanna go down that road. don't you wanna get on my good side? 
you: i'd rather scare you. 
Kimiruu: look i just thought it would be funny. now that i've had my fun i'll give it back. 
he handed you your key card and you were about to take it when Kimiruu pulled out his other hand and snapped a picture of you.
you: what're you doing?!?! 
Kimiruu: blackmail. 
you: why you little- 
Kimiruu: bye! 
he dissappeared right in front of you and you were about to kick that little head of his. how was this brat Sorra's little brother? he was definetely Suki's... Suki had already broke down laughing. you put your key card in the slot and opened the door. you tossed your clothes in the laundry and waked into the bathroom. you were an expert at quick showers so you hurried up and got dressed.
you grabbed a key card Sorra gave you and walked down to Sorra's room. when you opened it up the water had just turned off. you sat in one of the chairs waiting patiently for her. you could hear her yelling in the bathroom. 
Sorra: dammit! Suki gave me the tiny towels!!! GREAT! 
she threw open the door and walked out when she turned to you she jumped. 
Sorra: next time you wanna make a surprise visit, freakin warn me! 
you: where's the fun in that? 
Sorra: it's not supposed to be fun. 
you: you look hot. 
Sorra: well duh! i'm naked in a towel that's too dam small.
the towel really was too small. she held it at the top and it just barely covered her bottom half while she tried to concile her chest with no success.
you laughed and she grabbed some clothes from her little closet. 
Sorra: am i going to let you watch me get dressed? 
you: i hope so. 
Sorra: Sasuke. 
you: Sorra, we had sexx last night. i've seen you naked like a million times! i can see you naked anytime i want! 
Sorra: excuse me? 
you: it's true. all i have to do is imagine you. 
you closed your eyes and smiled. 
you: there you are! you look hot! 
Sorra: Sasuke! 
you: oh wait! now there're 100 of you and i'm the king. 
she playfully punched you in the arm and you both were laughing. she threw the towel aside and you whistled. she just laughed and she started to get dressed. 
Sorra: why are you watching? 
you: because you're just that beautiful. 
she smiled and continued. she looked adorable in her little outfit.
herclassic skinny jeans and and a little blue, crop top.
you: you look great! 
Sorra: thank you. 
~~*Back to your POV*~~ 
you kissed Sasuke for being so sweet and you walked out of your room hand in hand. 
you: hey Sasuke? 
Sasuke: yeah? 
you: can we check up on Jakki? i'm worried about her. that note said he left her something and i'm scared. 
he nodded and kissed your forehead. 
Sasuke: of course we can. tell you the truth i'm worried to. i might know what that stupid present of his is. 
you: what? 
he just shook his head and you frowned. you got to the breakfast tables and Suki was spinning around serving everyone. 
Suki: hey guys! great day ain't it? 
you looked at her confused and you both nodded. she giggled and walked away. you sat down next to Kimiruu. he leaned next to you. 
Kimiruu: i slipped some Prozac in her drink. 
you: ooh!!! 
you looked at Kimiruu. something was different. you looked at Sasuke who was glaring athim, Kimiruu just smirked at him. you looked at each one of them and gasped. 
you: you little twerp! 
everyone looked at you and you grabbed Kimiruu's arm out of the room. 
Kimiruu: hey what gives? 
you: you know exactly what gives! what'd you do to Sasuke? 
Kimiruu: huh? 
you: come on! i saw that look in your eyes! i'd know it anywhere! 
Kimiruu: i only took one picture! 
you: let's see it. 
he gave you the picture and you couldn't help laughing. it was pretty funny. poor Sasuke in a towel holding his clothes out. he looked like an idiot! 
Kimiruu: i knew you would think it's funny! 
you: alright i'm saving this. do you have anymore copies. 
Kimiruu: no. you took my only one give it back! 
you: no that's just mean. 
Kimiruu: come on give it back! 
you: no! Kimiruu: Sorra i- 
you: Kimoto i said no! 
you stopped dead in your tracks and so did he. 
Kimiruu: Kimoto? my name is Kimiruu! 
you pulled him close and hugged him. you stroked his hair as you fought back tears. 
you: i know...i know... 
he hugged you back and you eventually let go. 
Kimiruu: sorry. 
you: you know i love you ya little twerp. 
you messed up his hair and he laughed.
Kimiruu: of course! all the girls love me! 
you: haha! it runs in the family! 
you walked back in the room and winked at Sasuke. he sighed a sigh of relief and Kimiruu and you sat down. Suki put a plate of waffles in front of you. you picked up your fork and started to eat. 
Kakashi: hey gang i think we should check up on Jakki. 
you: that's so weird me and Sasuke were goingto do the same thing! 
Sakura: that sounds good, i wanna see how she's doing. 
Naruto: me too. poor kid i wanna make sure she's a-ok! 
you all agreed and finished eating before you headed out. 
Kimiruu: hey can i come? 
you looked at Kakashi and he nodded. 
Kakashi: sure. 
Kimiruu: sweet! 
you guys started walking towards the hospital. and Kimiruu walked beside Kakashi. 
Kimiruu: so who is this girl Jakki? 
Kakashi: she's my daughter. 
Kimiruu: cool! i didn't know that. maybe i've seen her around. 
Kakashi: you probably have, this is her. 
Kakashi pulled out a picture and Kimiruu took it. 
Kimiruu: hey that's Jak! 
Kakashi: you know her? 
Kimiruu: yeah totally! you're her dad? 
Kakashi: yep! 
Kimiruu: she talks about you all the time! she has the funniest stories! 
Kakashi: she talks about me? 
Kimiruu: yep! she says you're the best dad any kid could ever ask for. she called me last week talking about how excited she was since you were coming. she hasn't talked to me since. i hope she's okay. 
Naruto: how long have you known Jakki? 
Kimiruu: since i was about seven. she used to come by the orphanage and we would hang out. we've been best friends ever since! she's so awesome! 
Sakura: you like her don't you? 
Kimiruu: ew no! she's like my sister! no, i like Morina! 
as soon as he said that he turned bright red. he hadn't realized he said that out loud. Sakura started giggling.
Sakura: who is she? 
Kimiruu: i don't wanna talk about it. 
Naruto: come on dude you might as well say it, we already know. 
Kimiruu: she's this girl on my team. she's SO pretty, and funny, and smart, and she's a great ninja! she can outrun me! 
Sakura: does she like you? 
Kimiruu: i'm not sure. some people say she does and my friend Zero is convinced. he says we make it obvious that we like each other but i don't really know for certain. i have a picture of her if you wanna see her. 
Sasuke: you keep a picture of her? 
Kimiruu: yeah. it gives me good luck...sometimes. 
you: no you just want to look at her pretty face! 
he turned an even brighter red when you said that. you: aw come on it's cute! let's see her! he pulled out the picture and you guys took turns looking at it. 

Naruto: dam! she's hot! how old is she? 
Kimiruu: 14. paws off she's mine! 
Sakura laughed and you looked at the picture she really was pretty. 
Kimiruu: she should be around this area. her dad works at that sushi stand over there. 
he looked around for her when she came up behind him covering his eyes. 
Morina: guess who! 
Kimiruu: Morina. 
Morina: dangit! 
she kissed his cheek and he turned pink. 
Kimiruu: look pretty Morina. 
she looked down at her outfit.

she definetely wasn't a girly girl. she turned pink and started gigling. 
Morina: thanks. 
she turned to you. 
Morina: is this your sister? 
Kimiruu: yep, this is Sorra. 
Morina: she's pretty! you guys look a lot alike! 
you smiled at her. she was cute! you could see why your brother liked her so much. she pulled out some flowers from behind her back. 
Morina: can you give these to Jakki? i heard she was in the hospital so i wanted to give her these. Kimiruu: sure. 
he took the flowers and she gave him another kiss on the cheek making him turn even brighter. 
Morina: by cuti-Kimiruu! heh heh! 
she blushed and ran away. Kimiruu smiled and looked at the flowers. Naruto looked like he was ready to throw up. 
Naruto: your friend was right you DO make it obvious! 
Sakura: shut up! it's cute! 
you: yeah it is! it's so cute i might shit a rainbow! 
they all started laughing and kept walking. you guys made it to the hospital and saw the same nurse as before. she smiled at you six. 
nurse: hi! here to see miss... 
she looked at her clipboard. 
nurse: miss Sijakari? 
Kakashi: yes. room 202 right? 
nurse: that's correct. 
Kakashi: thank you. 
you all got in an elevator. Naruto was having fun when the elevator went up and down. you on the otehr hand were about to throw up. you guys got out of the elevator and walked to room 202. Kimiruu opened the door. 
Kimiruu: hey Jakki! we brought you some flo- he dropped the flowers and Sakura screamed. you and kakashi ran to her bedside and Sakura ran for help with Sasuke and Naruto. Kimiruu was standing there shocked. there was Jakki lying on the blood covered bed with a knife next to her.

omg! Jakki is just a whole mess of problems!! she'll live right?!?! keep reading and you'll find out.

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