The REAL Blood Savior

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Kakashi took you all down to the training grounds and you looked around in awe. the trees were all so beautiful and there were even a few flowers. every so often you would look to see Sasuke watching you with a slight smile but everytime you saw him he quickly turned away making you wonder. after a few more minutes you guys came to a secluded area and you all took a seat on the ground. Kakashi looked at you all.

Kakashi: okay, since Sorra is new we're going to have to do this all over again. what are your likes, dislikes, hopes, and dreams.

Sakura: do we have to answer this again?

Kakashi: well, Sorra do you mind being the only one saying things about you?
you shook your head no and he told you to stand up so everyone could see you.

you: hopes? i don't really have dreams? never had any of those dislikes? i hate the rain, the cold, and...a lot of attention from sex starved boys. as for my likes, you'll find that out on your own.

you giggled and winked in their general direction and Sasuke blushed. you chose to ignore this since you didn't want to embarrass him.

Naruto: all you told us was your dislikes!

you: i can't help it if i like being a mystery! there's a lot of things you guys don't know about me! A LOT!!!!

Naruto: wow you're really not making us want to know less!

you laughed and sat back down. Kakashi smiled at you. you acted like he did the first time he was asked that question.

Kakashi: well, not that we know...basically nothing, about Sorra, we have to find out your level of skill!
so, first you'll go against Sakura, then Naruto, then Sasuke, and if by some miracle you're still able to go on, you'll go against me.

you: well that won't take long.

you said confidently. you had a devilish smirk on your face as Sakura got into a fighting stance.

you: hit me with your best shot.

you said non-chalantly. you put your hands on your hips and just stood there while she studied you trying to see your weak points. she took out a kunai and charged at you witht the kunai in her hand ready to stab. she thrusted it at you and not only did you dodge it, you quickly pushed a spot on her back with two fingers and she went down like a sack of potatoes down the eiffel tower! you pushed a major point and she couldn't get up or even move. Naruto came and picked her up her limp body in his arms. you pushed the same point on her back and she began to move again. Kakashi was a bit surprised of your superior knowledge of the body's pressure points but he pushed that out of his mind as Naruto got into his fighting stance. you stood in front of him already knowing what you were going to do.

Naruto: i must warn you, i'm very stro-

in a nano second you were sitting on his back holding his arms and with a kunai to his neck.

you: you wanna finish that sentence?

he vigorously shook his head no and you let him go. Sasuke was a bit worried what would happen but he pushed that out his mind as he stood in front of you. you smirked knowing what would be the best way to take him down. you had already predicted his moves. he did the same as Sakura taking out a kunai and charging at you you smirked again, this time would be slightly different. you got into a Lee type of stance before he charged with one hand facing him, the other facing you. when he charged you took your first strike at his stomach, he hunched over in pain and you took this opportunity to elbow him in the back knocking him down. you smiling victoriously. you started to walk away and Sasuke watched you mesmerized by your power. Kakashi, Sakura, and Naruto all looked at you with the same look.

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