That's what friends are for

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you were so scared! Jakki had slit her wrist!!! 
a nurse came in and she gasped. 
nurse: doctor come quick!!! code blue code blue!!! 
she went over and pulled the knife away from Jakki. three doctors came in with a rolling bed(i don't know what they're called) they put Jakki on it and rushed out of the room screaming doctor language that you couldn'tunderstand. another nurse came in and changed the sheets. she turned around and her eyes widened. 
nurse: oh my God are you alright?! 
you turned to see Kimiruu throwing up on the floor. she rushed to him. 
nurse: what's wrong?! 
Kimiruu: i...scared....blood... 
he threw up again and she helped him up. 
nurse: hemophobia, this is terrible. 
she threw away Jakki's stained sheets and put Kimiruu on her bed. you rushed to his side as she was checking different things. he was like a clone of Kimoto. he had the same phobia. you held him close to you and you held the back of his head. you rocked him back and forth in your arms adn started singing in Japanese. You were singing "Hiiru No Tsuki"
his breathing started to slow down until he eventually passed out in you arms. you kept rocking him and the nurse sighed of relief. 
nurse: i'm so glad you were here. who knows what i could've done to calm him down. 
tears started to roll down your cheeks. it was all too overwhelming. Jakki was raped. her rapist was out to get you you called Kimiruu Kimoto and it scared you Jakki tried to kill herself Kimiruu is basically a clone of Kimoto. you missed Kimoto more than ever. you had this small boy in your arms and was rocking him back and forth. you kept rocking him and it was soothing you. you got up and carried him out, thankfully he wasn't too heavy for you. you held him so tightly and you wanted him to stay in your arms forever. he was your brother, but he felt like your son. when you got back to the hotel Suki took him to his room and you went back to yours. when you got there you collapsed on your bed and started to cry, hard. it felt good to cry but it also hurt because you felt weak. you hated crying even though you did it a lot. you were so filled with pain that the tears didn't stop coming. you heard someone come in your room and you didn't care who it was you kept crying. all of a sudden you felt one pair of arms wrap around you. followed by three more. you opened your eyes and Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and even Kakashi were holding you. your voice was dry from crying adn it was cracky. 
you: th...thanks you g-guys. 
Naruto: that's what friends are for. to help you when you're down. 
Sakura: and pick you back up.
Sasuke: and help you recover. 
Kakashi: and love you no matter what. you smiled. 
you never knew they cared so much. 
you: i'm gonna take a nap. 
they nodded and they left except for Naruto. he held you close to him.
Naruto: Sasuke has had enough time with you. i want some too. 
you smiled and fell asleep in his arms as he rocked you back and forth. you felt protected. you felt safe. and best of all you felt loved. after a few hours you woke up and it was 1:00 in the afternoon. Naruto had tucked you in and let you sleep. you got up and wandered around the halls of the hotel. 
Sakura came running up to you. 
Sakura: Sorra i'm glad you're up! it's the hospital, they're giving us Jakki's results!
you ran with her to Kakashi's room. he gave them that number in case they needed to contact him. he had it on speaker and you shut the door behind you. 
nurse: well Jakki is safe asleep. we thought we were going to lose her, it's a good thing you found her when you did. we're putting her on safe watch in case she tries again. 
Kakashi: that's good. 
nurse: and there's one other thing.
Kakashi: what is it? 
nurse: this girl is a whole mess of problems. i really feel for her. 
Kakashi: what's wrong? 
nurse: the letter, it said he left her a present. she found out what it was, that's why she wanted to kill herself. 
Sasuke: no! 
you looked at him. his suspicions were right as you guessed. you were finally going to hear what she had to say. 
nurse: i'm sorry to say this but...her rapist...has gotten her pregnant. 
Sakura gasped, Kakashi was speechless as were you and Sasuke, and Naruto just clenched his fists. 
nurse: we had told her this morning because we got the information from all the tests on her. she's getting better. she just has to wear a cast and she'll be out in the next 2 days. you will have to keep close watch on her because who knows what she might do once she's out of our hands. 
she hung up the phone and Kakashi walked towards the door. 
Sakura: where're you going? 
Kakashi: to see Jakki. i need to speak with her privately. 
he left and you guys just sat there thinking about waht the nurse had said. 
~~*Kakashi's POV*~~ 
you were furious when you got to her door. when you opened it you saw she was concious and staring at the ground. you closed the door behind you and she turned to you.
Jakki: daddy i- 
you: don't say a word. how could you do this? 
Jakki: what? 
you grabbed a chair and sat next to her bed. 
you: Jakki why would you be so selfish? 
Jakki: selfish? 
you: you tried to kill yourself! didn't you think about how much i would miss you? how much Kimiruu would miss you? or Sorra or Sakura or anyone!?! most important didn't you think that your baby would want it's life! you didn't even give it a chance to begin!
tears started rolling down her cheeks.
Jakki: i...i didn't think. i was so angry at what he did to me. he violated me. he hurt me. he got me pregnant. i don't want his child! i don't want to be a mother at 15! i'm not ready! i wanted it to end, the baby would have a better life without me anyways. 
you: the baby wouldn't have a life without you. Jakki as much as you don't want this baby it wants you. even if you're not ready adoption is the answer not death! the baby doesn't deserve it! you don't deserve it! 
she looked at you and she threw her arms around you. she started screaming in your chest. 
Jakki: i'm sorry! i'm so sorry!! i don't want to die!! i don't want the baby to die!! i don't want to leave yet...i'm not ready... for any of this. 
you hugged her back. 
you: i know baby...i know... 
she continued to sob in your chest and just hugged her the whole time. this poor girl, she never asked for this. she never wanted this. she has a little life growing inside of her and she doesn't even want it. 
you: Jakki...i want you to com back with me to Konoha and live with me. i'll help you take care of the baby. you won't be alone. Sakura is a medical ninja and Sorra can help you when you need someone to talk to. she's very understanding. 
Jakki: but...i don't want to leave. my whole lifeis here. all my friends. it's familiar. it's easy. 
you: will it be easier when you're getting judged because of your pregnancy? 
she looked down. she knew you were right. 
Jakki: i...i want to stay. i love you so much dad but you can't handle this much responsibility right now. 
you: i'll find a way! 
Jakki: no. i'll stay with Kimiruu's family. they'll take me in in a second. 
you: but- 
Jakki: no.'re the most special man in my life and i can't burden you with my misfortune. how could i live with myself if i was making your life harder? 
you: are you sure this is what you want? i don't want to lose're my only daughter. 
Jakki: and you're my only dad. but i must make my own decisions. i'm staying here. 
you looked into her eyes and knew you had lost the battle. once Jakki made up her mind there was no turning back. 
you: alright. only if you're sure. 
Jakki: yes! so much. 
you hugged her tightly. 
Jakki: i'm so tired. i'm going to rest. i love you dad. 
you: i love you too Jakki. 
you kissed her forehead and left her to rest. you went back to the hotel and Hana was there to greet you. 
Hana: you look tired. 
you: i am. 
Hana: come. sit. 
you sat on the lobby couch and she brought you a cup of tea. it was so warm and it felt good to drink. 
you: thank you. you're a kind woman. 
Hana: thank you. do you need anything? 
you: no thank you. i'm fine with my tea. 
Hana: alright. i'll come back later if you need anything. 
she started to walk away. 
you: Hana wait. 
Hana: yes. 
you got up and walked towards her and without thinking, kissed her. your mind was racing and you put your hands on her waist. you didn't expect it but she put her arms around your neck and she kissed you back! you weren't that different in age. she was 35 and you were 30. after a while you pulled apart.
Hana: i...that 
you silenced her by kissing her again. she didn't hesitate to kiss you back. after another few minutes you pulled apart again. 
Hana: wow. 
you: i know. 
Hana: maybe i'll see you tonight for dinner? 
you: maybe i'll come by at 8. 
Hana: maybe that's a good plan. 
you: maybe we should stop saying maybe. 
she laughed and so did you. you kissed her hand before she left. you sat down on the couch smiling to yourself, she was a great woman. you were lucky to date her. the rest of the day you were in your room explaining to your team what happened with Jakki. most understood but Sorra was in a whole other world. she was listnening but she was also in deep thought about waht you were saying. when the others had left she stayed behind. 
Sorra: how could someone be so could someone do that to an innocent girl? why would they intentionally scar someone for the rest of their life and be happy about it? 
you: when you ocme up with an answer for that let me know. 
Sorra: i'm gonna go....i'll see you tomorrow Kakashi sensei. 
you: goodnight Sorra. 
Sorra: oh and one other thing. 
you: yes? 
Sorra: have fun with my mom....just...treat her right. 
you were shocked that she knew. she smiled at you and left. how did she know? was she watching you two? 
Sorra: the reason i know is because Suki can read minds. she told me. like i said before...treat her right. 
she closed the door behind herself and you smiled. 
you(thinking): she's a bright kid. i'm surprised she's so lax about her mother's dating life. after what happened...she lost two fathers. i'm not gonna screw this up. i love Sorra, she's a great kid. i love Hana too, and i'm not going to hurt this family anymore than it already has. 
you started choosing what you would wear tonight when you saw Hana. this would be interesting!
hope you guys enjoyed! Kakashi and your mom are getting lovey! hope it'll work out!

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