Meeting the Team... Where's Sasuke?

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You were walking with you arms crossed you obviously weren't happy. your sensi Kirini was taking you in the halls of the Konoha ninja school ranting on about how much better off you'll be with your new sensei, you not listening to a single word. she stopped in front of a room and opened the door to a man with a ponytail teaching a class.

Iruka: okay. so does anyone have any questions about the Blood Savior? you'll have a test tomorrow.
you and Kirini looked at each other. thankfully Kirini could communicate through thoughts so you wouldn't have to speak aloud.

you-they're learning about me in school!?!?!

Kirini-of course they are! you're a famous heroine, and besides do you know what they would do if they knew the famous "Blood Savior" was in their presence?

you- don't even kid!

while you were arguing in her mind you didn't know Iruka and the whole class had turned to you. the girls started whispering and the boys looked like starving dogs, and you were a prime cut. the thing that creeped you out was that these kids were all 12 and 11 years old and they were looking at you that way...


Kirini: well

she said aloud this time.

Kirini: this is as far as i go. good luck Sorra.

and she poofed away. the kids oohed and aahed at your sensei's little poofing act. Iruka rolled his eyes and turned to you.

Iruka: are you Sorra Tazuki?

boy: do you have a boyfriend?

some boy in the back yelled. Iruka shot him a death glare and you just sighed, this happened a lot.

Iruka: anyways. you're looking for room 209. that's where your team is.

you nodded and leaft. you wandered around not really paying attention to the room numbers until you saw 209. you thought you might as well. no harm, besides they're waiting for you. you slowly turned the handle and peeked in to see two kids about your age and an older man who you guessed was your sensei. there was a blonde boy with a big grin on his face

Naruto: hi! i'm Naruto Uzumaki! you know you're really pretty! i'll bet we'll be best friends!
you giggled at his forwardness. you always liked blunt personalities. you turned to see a girl with short pink hair rolling her eyes at the blonde called naruto.

Sakura: Naruto would you shut up! you don't want to give her a bad impression on the first day!

she held out her hand to you

Sakura: i'm Sakura Haruno. you must be the new girl, welcome to our team.

you smiled sweetly at her politeness and you shook her hand very businesslike

you: thank you. my name is Sorra Tazuki, i realy like your hair.

Sakura: you.

she said awkwardly. you could tell she wasn't used to being complimented (you would have to change that) because after you said you liked her hair she had a glowing smile on her face. the older man came up to you and held out his hand.

Kakashi: i'm Kakashi Hatake. you'er new sensei. well you've met my band of misfits, but you have yet to meet Sasuke.

as soon as Kakashi said Sasuke, Sakura squeeled.

Sakura: Sasuke is the most AMAZINGLY awesome guy EVER!!!! he's soooo hot!!! you better not go after him!

you were a bit surprised by her mood change. she acted bi-polar. you shook your head no that you wouldn't go after him and she sighed a sigh of relief. (not to brag but it's not like you weren't a threat. don't worry you're not conceited that's what i, the quizmaker, am saying)

you: when is this Sasuke guy getting here?

Kakashi: here he comes!

you turned around to see the most gorgeous guy you had ever seen. he had amazing black locks, deep black eyes, and an emotionless face.

Sasuke: so Kakashi where's this new girl?

Kakashi: right here Sasuke! meet Sorra Tazuki.

you looked at him and he loked back at you. a tint of pink spread across pale, flawless skin when he saw you. you smiled a bit knowing that he thought you were pretty. Naruto took a seat in a desk and sank low laying his legs across the floor. you walked over not noticing this and tripped over naruto's legs. you fell face forward but Sasuke caught you in his arms with your head in his muscular chest. you had always been clumsy and you were a bit flushed by this hoping Sasuke wouldn't be too mad. you looked up expecting to see cold eyes but instead his face was about 10 million shades of red. you tried to hold it in but you couldn't help it. you started to laugh really hard. as soon as you started laughing Naruto started to laugh and so did Sakura, even Kakashi couldn't help but giggle. when Sasuke looked at your smiling little face he actually began to smile himself!

Sasuke(thinking)- wow! she's got such a cute laugh! it's so sweet! oh what am i thinking i just met this girl! oh forget it, i can't deny she's beautiful.

he helped you up and you looked at your new team, this was going to be interesting!

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