Please.... Don't.... Stop!!!

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~~*Your Dream*~~ 
everything was kinda blurry and fuzzy in your dream. you were at the hotel lobby with the team. you wanted to go get a cd from your room. when you got in you went to your dresser to grab the cd. when you got it you saw a flash of black. you didn't think much of it and started to walk out the door when Sasuke walked in.
Sasuke: come on Sorra let's go. 
you: coming Sasuke. 
all of a sudden Sasuke was knocked to the ground and you screamed. 
you: SASUKE!! 
you were about tohelp him when a man came up behind you and put a cloth over your mouth. it had special gases in it to knock you out and it worked. you fell to the floor.
you woke up screaming. you sat up in your bed covered in sweat and you were panting heavily. the top of your tank top had sweat on it and it was rolling down your face as well. you looked around your room, nothing was there. you got up and went to the bathroom to shower. 
you(thinking): my God that was scary! come on Sorra calm was just a dream...right? 
you turned off the water and got dressed in some jeans and a cute shirt.
you walked down to get some breakfast and the team was there, so was....JAKKI! you ran up to her and hugged her. 
you: Jakki! you're okay! 
Jakki: yep, i made a full recovery! well, except for the broken collarbone and arm. 
you: well yeah. i'm just glad you're here! 
Jakki: well actually i'm going out to get some food. i'm just here to say hi. 
Sakura: you're going alone? 
Jakki: no, Kimiruu is coming with me!
she smiled at him and he smiled back. 
Jakki: yeah. any of you got a good cd? i juts got a new walkman and i'm DYING to try it out. 
you: i do! do you like My Chemical Romance? 
Jakki: i love them! 
you: cool! be right back! 
you ran towards the elevator. 
you(thinking): come on Sorra. it was just a dream it won't happen. face your fears and get the cd for Jakki. nothing's gonna happen, you'll just get the cd, give it to Jakki, and you'll have a fine day. 
you got out of the elevator and walked into your room. you looked around making sure nothing out of the ordinary. once you were done looking you walked in. when you got in you went to your dresser to grab the cd. when you got it you saw a flash of black. you didn't think much of it and started to walk out the door when Sasuke walked in. 
Sasuke: come on Sorra let's go. 
you: coming Sasuke. 
all of a sudden Sasuke was knocked to the ground and you screamed. 
you: SASUKE!! 
you(thinking): no! the dream! NO! 
you were about to help him when a man came up behind you and put a cloth over your mouth. it had special gases in it to knock you out and it worked. you fell to the floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
your eyes slowly opened and you were in a dark room. it was old, there was paper falling off of the walls, dirty furniture, and it had cobwebs everywhere. you were on a small, dusty bed. you got up and looked around you. you saw Sasuke. he was chained to the wall by chakra and he was still unconcious. you were about to scream for him but your mouth had tape on it. you tried to rip it off but you were chained to the bed. you tried to send chakra to your arms so you could rip off the chains but all your chakra was wiped out. what was wrong with you? you had NO chakra! you started to panic and tears went down your cheeks. he really did it. Jakki's rapist really did come get you, and worse, he got Sasuke too. you started to yell muffled screams through the tape but it was no use. all you could do now was wait to die. you heard the knob on the door move and stomach dropped a few miles. the men that walked in made you scream in horror. it was none other than Itachi and Kisame themselves. Itachi had an evil look on his face but Kisame looked a bit uneasy. when you were screaming Sasuke woke up. 
Sasuke: mm...wha...Sorra? 
his eyes widened in shock. 
Sasuke: Sorra! 
he tried to run to you but the chains bounded him. he looked at the chains and then looked at Itachi and Kisame. he turned white but than had the angriest look on his face you had ever seen. 
Sasuke: Itachi! WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU DO TO HER!?!?!?! 
Itachi: nothing yet Sasuke. 
you were so scared. yet? what was he going to do? he walked over to you and ripped the tape off of your face. you were too scared to feel it. 
Itachi: let me explain the last few days to you children. i followed you around this village, watching your every move and it wasn't very interesting. i wanted to fight Sorra. i wanted to kill her. she was number one on my list of threats and i had to destroy her somehow. so that's when it hit me. why not see Sorra's full powers when she's mad. i saw that pitiful girl walk out of the shoe store, i created the illusion of her bag, i raped her. it was actually quite fun, she's very pretty and her screams made it all worth while. 
you were growing angry and he knew it. you hated him. for what he did to his family, what he did to Sasuke, what he did to Jakki, everything! you wanted to kill him on the spot but you had no chakra. 
Itachi: that's when i wrote the letter. i wanted to see how riled up you would get, and i also wanted to be nice and give you a few days notice that you would be kidnapped. i'm not a nice guy but i can be. Sasuke: you bastard! how dare you do this!!!! 
Itachi: oh it's quite simple really. you see i'm finally going to kill Sorra, but not before i have a little fun. 
you: wh...what do you mean? 
Itachi: you are quite beautiful Sorra, more beautiful than any girl i've seen before. my plan is three fold. one, i rape you until you bleed and stain the sheets with your blood. two, i kill you and let you feel it. three, i kill Sasuke. but not before i make him watch everything. 
Sasuke: you bastard!!! don't you go anywhere near her!!!
he kept struggling in the chains and Itachi just laughed. 
Itachi: it's not use Sasuke, there's no way you can get out of those chains. he turned to you and you were so scared. the tears kept running down your face as he got closer and closer. 
Sasuke: no!!! Sorra!!! 
he laughed and got closer to you. you closed your eyes tightly. you wante to die right on the spot, not endure it painfully and slowly. he thrusted his hand inbetween your legs and you gasped. Sasuke screamed as loud as he could. you were so furious at Itachi you could feel the hatred growing inside of you. he got off of you and went towards Sasuke. 
Itachi: shut up already! whether you want it to happen or not it is! so shut up and watch, you have no choice. he took out a kunai and slashed it across his cheek. Sasuke's face started to bleed and he was screaming from the pain. you were so angry that you started to build up chakra on your own. 
~~*Sasuke's POV*~~
your face hurt so badly. you hated Itachi, hated him with all your might. you looked over at Sorra and she was glowing red. her eyes turned blood red and her fingernails grew long and sharp. 
Sorra: don'!!!!!!!!!!! 
she started to scream in a high pitched demonic voice that wasn't her own. it was horrible. she kept screaming and her teeth grew sharp as her nails. she clenched her fists and the chains shattered into millions of peices. she jumped up and stould on the bed. she started to scream and she turned to Itachi. she went faster than the blink of an eye and in an instant she was gripping his neck holding him against a wall. she was sqeezing his neck and her nails were peircing his skin. he started to bleed and he started to yell. she had an evil smile on her face, it sent chills up your spine. Itachi had the look of pure fear in his face, a look you had never seen before in your life. she leaned in to whisper in his ear. 
Sorra: we're going to play a little game's called, "are you goingto hell"? 
she punched him hard in the face and she shattered his cheek bones. she let him go and turned to you she flipped her hand ina circle and you were protected by a blue shield. you couldn't hear anything that she was saying. all of a sudden she turned to itachi and she screamed in the same demon voice. Itachi's ears were spilling with blood. you were glad she put the shield over you. she threw him on the ground and she climbed on top of him. he was screaming for dear life. Kisame had already ran away, he probably predicted this would happen. she started punching him everywhere, face, chest, arms, everywhere she could hit. 
~~*Moon's POV*~~ 
you were skipping through the city with your little doll in your hands. her name was Sorra, after daddy's best friend. you skipped to the old abandoned building you would play in when you wanted to be alone. this time it was different though. you saw a blue man run and then dissappear. you never saw anyone with blue skin before. you walked around towards the window and looked in. there was Sorra chained to the dusty bed and Sasuke chained to the wall! she was screaming and so was Sasuke! than a man with a ponytail came up to her and he put his hand in her legs. you were so scared that you ran away, as fast as you could.
you(thinking): come on Moon you're not a total lost cause! you have some of daddy's genes in you. 
come on send the chakra to your legs you'll go faster! come on come on!! do it for Sorra and Sasuke! 
you shut your eyes real tight and you could feel your legs getting stronger. you opened your eyes and you were going REALLY fast! faster than you were on your bike at top speed!!! you rushed towards Sorra's mom's hotel and burst through the doors. 
you: Sorra and Sasuke! they're gone! Sorra's being hurt! 
Kakashi: what are you talking about? who are you? 
Naruto: Moon where are they? 
Kakashi: Moon?! who's Moon?!! 
you: i'm Moon! Sorra is my daddy's friend and she's my friend too! her and Sasuke are stuck at the old abandoned building not far from here! you guys have to help them!!! 
you started to get dizzy and you fell to the ground. 
Naruto: Moon!!! Moon what's wrong?! 
you: i...used my legs to get here....faster...i'm so tired... 
you passed out in naruto's arms and your doll fell to the floor. 
~~*Sasuke's POV*~~
Sorra kept beating Itachi, he was a purple bloody mass by now. she was screaming and she was really scaring you. then she did something you never thought she or anyone would EVER do! it was horrible!!! she thrusted her hand towards his chest and dg it into his skin. she ripped out...HIS HEART!!!!! when she had it in her hands she squeezed it and it exploded! blood went everywhere and Itachi's blood was all over the floor, the walls, the windows, you, Sorra. he was...dead... when he died the chakra chains on you disintegrated and dissappeared. Sorra's nails and teeth went back to normal and she collapsed. 
you screamed as you ran beside her. you picked her up and she was covered in blood. 
Sorra: you... 
you: no Sorra don't go! please! i...i 
you started to feel dizzy and she passed out in your arms. 
you collapsed after her and everything went black. 
~~*Kakashi's POV*~~ 
you were rushing to the abandoned building that kid was talking about. you saw a dirty old building. 
you: is this it? 
you turned to Naruto who had the little girl in his hands. she was barely concious anymore. 
Naruto: Moon? is this the place? 
she looked and her eyes got wide. she buried her face in Naruto's chest and nodded vigorously. 
Moon: yes!! that's where Sorra got hurt! Sorra! Sasuke! please don't die!!! 
she started to sob and you all rushed in. Naruto held her close. you all screamed at what you saw. Naruto rushed outside so Moon wouldn't see. there was Sorra and Sasuke and...Itachi!! his face was purple and swollen and his chesthad a huge hole where his heart should be. he was dead... the room was drenched in blood as were Sorra and Sasuke. Sakura ran to Sorra and you ran to Sasuke. Sakura held Sorra in her hands and started to cry. she listened to Sorra's chest for a few seconds before she screamed. 
Sakura: Kakashi! she's alive!!! she's alive!!! 
you did the same to Sasuke and you felt a heartbeat. 
you: so is Sasuke! thank you God!
you picked up Sasuke and Sakura held Sorra. you both poofed to the hospital. when you got there everyone screamed. 
you: please! they need help! 
the nurse started screaming for doctors and they rushed both Sasuke and Sorra away. the floors were covered in the blood dripping from Sasuke and Sorras' clothes. you and Sakura waited there patiently. after about a half an hour Naruto rushed through the doors with the little girl still in his arms. 
Naruto: hey, sorry i got here so late i just had to calm her down. poor little Moon was traumatized by what she saw. 
you: it doesn't make sense. 
Sakura: what doesn't? 
you: i know seeing what she saw would be traumatizing but she didn't see the blood. she would've told us. Naruto did she tell you anything? 
Naruto: she said that he touched her. 
you: she said that he touched her? well big surprise, he's Jakki's rapist. 
Sakura: why are you looking into this? any kid would be traumatized. 
you: no not as much. she would've saw him touch her but she wouldn't understand and she would've kept watching. 
Naruto: what're you saying? 
you: i'm saying she understood how Sorra felt. she's been molested. 
~~*Moon's dream*~~
you were 6 years old again and skipping around. you wanted to go see your friend Ai and you went to her house

you knocked on the door and her dad opened it. 

Mr.Tsuki: oh hi Moon! come on in! 
you: thanks Mr.Tsuki! 
you walked in and Ai was sitting on her couch with her big brother Yoh. she smiled when she saw you. 
Ai: Moon! yay you're here! come on let's go play! 
you: yay! you two started to run up the stairs when Ai's mom came up. 
Mrs.Tsuki: sorry girls but Ai needs to put her plate in the sink. Ai i told you to do this before Moon came over. 
Ai: aww! 
Mrs.Tsuki: and make sure you rinse it too. 
Ai: aw man! 
they walked into the kitchen and you went to wait in Ai's room. you sat on her floor and picked up one of her dolls. Yoh came in the door and you smiled. 
you: oh hi Yoh! Ai's busy, do you wanna play with me? 
Yoh: sure. 
you straightened out your little yellow dress and picked up another doll. you made it say hi to another doll and waited for Yoh to play. 
you: come on Yoh play with me! 
Yoh: i didn't mean dolls. 
he got closer to you and you were starting to get scared. 
you: what do you mean? 
Yoh: you look very pretty in that dress Moon. 
he started to put his hand up your dress and he started touching you. 
you: Yoh stop! 
he kept touching you between your legs and you got up and started crying. you ran out of Ai's room and own the stairs. Mr.Tsuki rna up to you.
Mr.Tsuki: Moon what's wrong? 
Yoh was at the top of the stairs and you screamed. 
you: NO!!! get away!!!! you ran out of Ai's house and continued crying. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
the girl started to thrash in Naruto's arms and she fell screaming. 
Moon: No! NO!!! get away!! don't touch me!! don't touch me... 
she started to cry and naruto picked her back up. 
Naruto: i'm taking her home. the girl gripped Naruto's shirt and continued crying in his chest. 
Kakashi(thinking): can't anything go right?!?!?!

that was a serious chapter....

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