Babysitting: Spoiled Royal Brat

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Okay so there are two chapters missing before this one so I'm going to do my best guys to get these out to you.

Summary: The group is on a mission back where Suki lives and I believe their watching over some children who are Royals, basically is the jist of it

you were walking down the hallway, Kakashi's words running through your head. how was this girl so powerful? how could she have so much strength but she's so small? well, she wasn't that small but she was still pretty young! why her? why does she have to have So much power at such a young age? how could not have found out by now? you pushed these thoughts out of your mind as you entered the library. you had to find her to watch over her. 

you(thinking): crap. what am i gonna do when i get there? she's not exactly much fun...maybe i'll just find a book or something. but God only knows how long i'll be able to stand the silence. 
you went towards the chairs that she was in. you saw the big chair, the piles of books, and the green tape on most of them, but no girl. she wasn't there. you looked around, nothing. you walked forward and found a little note on the chair. 

Dear reader, Do not be alarmed for i am in no danger. i have simply gone to a secluded place where none are meant to bother me. please do not search for i have not been harmed in any way. i should be back within the hour. 


you(thinking): damn. she's even formal in her letters. this kid needs some prozac. 
you set the note down and looked around. you had to find her. you began racking your brain thinking of ways to find her. you would have to put your detective skills to the test. you went into the middle of the main hallway in the library and took in a deep breath. you did some handsigns and a blue glow came out of your hands. you put your hand on the ground and the whole room had a wave of blue come over it before going back to normal. you clenched one fist and put it to your side while you stuck out the other hand. the hand that was out was still glowing blue you walked through the library with that hand still outstretched looking for clues. this was a special jutsu that allowed you to see glowing blue hand prints whereever the certain person you're looking for has touched. you could also set a time frame, you could sense what they're touched in the past minute, hour, day, or week. right now you were going for the last hour. you continued to wander until you saw blue glowing from behind a shelf. you looked on the shelf and the blue came from a handprint on a book. this wouldn't have phased you if the book was ordinary but it wasn't. it didn't look like any of the book sin the library. it was old, dusty, and falling apart. this book was easily 50 years old. you picked up the book and opened it. one of the pages was glowing blue so you turned to it. when you opened it a shiny blue metal thing fell out. when you picked it up it was a key. it had her fingerprints all over it. you applied special chakra in the floor and layed the key on the ground. you used the fingerprints from the key as a guideline for who you were looking for. glowing footprints came up on the ground, you picked up the key and followed the prints. you were walking deeper and deeper in the library. you looked around as you were walking and looked at the books. as you walked further the green tape on the books were decreasing. they got less and less until there was no tape left. when the tpae was gone you looked in front of you. before you stould and large golden gate. 

you(thinking): how the hell did i not notice this?!?! 

you looked between the bars and it was pitch black except for the glowing footprints that were Kiseki's. you saw handprints and fingerprints all over the large lock on the gate. you took the key and opened the lock. the chain fell to the floor and the gates came open. you took a small step forward and as soon as you entered the key flew behind you and down to the original aisle it was in. that must've been how it got back. when the key was gone the chains around the gate went back up and the gate closed. 

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