Tonight... is the night

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you were showering as quick as you could, you were frantic at this moment. you got out of the shower and quickly blow dried your hair. you were going to do your hair, then makeup, then put on your dress. Naruto got in the shower after you and you were lucky he's quick so you could get back in the bathroom.

~~*Sasuke's POV*~~
you were fixing your hair and you had just gotten back from the flower store. you were smiling thinking about how beautiful Sorra was going to be in her dress. it didn't matter what she wore or what her hair looked like you just wanted to be with her, that's all you really cared about at this point. you founf your tux and ironed it making sure everything was perfect. nothing could ruin this night for you.

~~*Back to your POV*~~

you were freaking out. Naruto was already done but you were running around trying to find all your makeup.

you: oh my God oh my God oh my God! where is it?!?! rrrr!!! this is awful!! i'm never gonna look pretty!

Naruto: Sorra.

you: what am i gonna do?!?! Sasuke's not gonna like me and then he's gonna go for that SLUT Ino!

Naruto: Sorra!

you: what am i gonna do?!?!

Naruto: SORRA!!!

you: what?!?!

Naruto: calm down!

you: how can i calm down?!?!

Naruto: just listen to me!

you: i don't have time to-

Naruto: oh you'll make time!!!!

this was the first time Naruto had ever yelled at you and you were a bit caught off gaurd. he came up to you and put his hands on your shoulders.

Naruto: Sorra i gaurantee you, it doesn't matter what makeup you wear, it doesn't matter what dress you put on, it doesn't matter what your hair looks like. Sasuke is so head over heels madly in love with you, you could go in a paper sack if you wanted and he would still say you're beautiful, and mean it. he loves you! i swear i have never seen him this happy in the 4 years that i've known him. i 've never even seen him happy! now i always see him with a smile or he's laughing, he's NEVER laughed! you must be doing something right.

you looked him in the eyes and hugged him. that's pretty much what you needed to hear. you stopped running around frantically and was calm enough to make everything perfect. your hair was gorgeous, your dress was beautiful, and your makeup was superb! everything was perfect. Naruto was ready 15 minutes ago and he was just waiting at the door. Naruto: Sorra we have to go! you: i'm coming. you came out to him and he looked at you astonished.

Naruto: you look...amazing!

you: thank you. you clean up really well to!

Naruto: thanks, now come on let's go.

you: okay.

~~*Sasuke's POV*~~

you were all dressed and ready and you were walking down the street to the dance. you were just walking normally when a girl came up to you.

girl: SASUKE!!!

you rolled your eyes and looked at the girl. she had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. she was pretty but nothing compared to Sorra.

girl: Sasuke you forgot to ask me to the dance!

you: i wasn't going to.

girl: come on! you know you want me!

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