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the next morning you told Naruto everything, how you opened up to Sasuke, how you completely trusted him, and the kiss! the whole time he was in awe.

Naruto: you guys KISSED?!?!

you: yeah! it was amazing!

Naruto: i can't believe this! that's awesome for you guys!

you: i know. everytime i think about it i just can't help but smile!

Naruto: so are you guys dating?

you: i don't really know...but i hope so! i really like him!

Naruto: well you'll definetely know by the dance.

you: what dance?

Naruto: it's this annual thing, we always go. you'll know by then because Sasuke will ask you.

you: why didn't you tell me there was a dance?!?!

Naruto: because i just remembered yesterday! Kiba told me!

you: when is it?

Naruto: tomorrow night.


Naruto: look. i figured you would react like this so Hinata agreed to shop with you!

you: my God i feel like i'm in some stupid story where the writer comes up with some gay idea at the last minute.

Naruto: but we're not fictional characters in some cheesy story!

(i'm sorry i couldn't resist, it was just too hard!)

you got dressed and ready to go with Hinata to the mall. at least you two got to hang out! that's one benefit. You put on a pair of skinny jeans and a pink baby doll shirt with blue, white, and light purple polka dots on it.

you grabbed your bag and your jacket and, as if on cue, Hinata knocked on the door.
you guys waved goodbye to Naruto and left.

Hinata: lemme guess, Naruto forgot to tell you about the dance.

you: yep. he can be a real dumb ass.

Hinata laughed and so did you. it wasn't a soft tiny laugh like the one you heard the first time, it was normal! it was just as loud as yours!

Hinata: i'm not as shy as i come off. sometimes i can be really cool but i dunno. i just use my sweet shy girl look as a coverup.

you: don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

Hinata: thanks.

you guys started talking aout normal things, cute boys, music, movies, until you reached the Konoha mall. you both walked inside and went straight to the dressy store. after a few hours you picked some
things you liked

me-i'm not gonna tell you cuz i want it to be surprise! ^__^

you- aw man! -___-"

you seemed to bond with Hinata. she was really cool. she left to go home and you were walking home yourself when you passed Sasuke's place. last night flashed through your head and you wondered if you should knock on his door or not. you threw caution to the wind and walked up to his door you put up your hand about to knock.

~~*Sasuke's POV*~~

you(thinking): i really wanna go see her. what if i come off needy? what if she wants to see me? grr i hate consequences!! you know what?!?! screw it! i'm gonna go see her!
you got up and opened your door to see Sorra standing there about to knock.

you: Sorra!

Sorra: oh Sasuke! i was about to knock.

you: yeah i could tell, come on in.

she walked over to your couch and your eyes drifted lower and lower resting on her butt.

you(thinking): damn she looks good in those jeans!

you: you look really pretty Sorra.

Sorra: thank you. you don't look half bad yourself.

you both laughed and you took a seat next to her.

Sorra: you know, last night was...well...spectacular! i never wanted it to end.

you: i know what you mean.

you put your hand on top of hers and intertwined your fingers with hers. she looked at you with that beautiful smile she had. she was drop dead gorgeous. you both leaned in and you kissed her.

~~*Back to your POV*~~

you were kissing Sasuke, loving every minute of it. he tasted like candy to you and every time you saw him it felt like you were sugar high! he put his hand on your face stroking your skin, his very touch sent chills up your spine.

you: Sasuke?

Sasuke: yeah?

you: we're dating right?

Sasuke: if we weren't i think i would die.

you giggled stupidly and he laughed to.

Sasuke: you know about tomorrow's dance right?

you: yeah. i just got a dress with Hinata.

Sasuke: i probably already know the answer to this but, you wanna go with me?

you: if i didn't I would die!

he kissed you again and you both were happy. you looked at the clock and it said 5:15. you should get home before naruto worries. you made your way to the door and Sasuke opened the door for you. before you left he stroked your face again.

Sasuke: Sorra...i love you...

you stared at him and let the words register in your head. a smiled creeped onto your face and you jumped into his arms. he was caught off gaurd but caught you anyways. he was beaming by the way you reacted. you kissed him passionately.

you: i love you too Sasuke!

Sasuke: thank God!

he kissed you once more and released you.

you waved and walkedaway and he shut his door. you walked down the street with a big smile. when you got home you told naruto.

Naruto: he said he loves you?!?!

you: i know! i can't believe it either! my insides are exploding it's like i'm having a fireworks party in my head!!!

Naruto laughed.

Naruto: you wanna blow up someone's head?

you: excuse me?

Naruto: you heard me! are you ready?

you smirked you understood what he was talking about.

you: of course i'm ready! the question is are you?

Naruto: oh yes. as of now this is war!

you: war of what?

Naruto: war of the last remaining glactic energy source!

you both smiled and screamed

you and Naruto: GALACTIC INVADERS!!!!

you both ran to the tv and turned on your video game. you and him were battling and you were equally matched but neither would admit to it. you both were jumping on the couch with your excitement. when you won you cheered and naruto slapped his forehead.

Naruto: dammit!!!

you: HA!!!! i defeated you! the energy source is mine! mwahaha!!!

he got off the couch and walked around but you still jumped up and down him laughing at you the whole time.

you: i win i win i wi-aaaahhh!!!! in the middle of your victory cheers Naruto pulled on your ankles making you land on your back on the couch. you both started laughing hysterically. when you looked at the time it was 10:00. you both went to bad just laughing yourselves to sleep.
thanks for reading!

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