Sakura gets over Sasuke? The world is ending

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you woke up a bit nervous. tonight was the dance. you had your dress, you had you date(the love of your life ~_^), and you had all your make-up but something was telling you something would go wrong. you tried to push these thoughts out of your head as you slumped to the kitchen.

Naruto: nice pj's.

you: thanks, they're my fav.

They were white with Domo all over them.
you ate a bowl of cereal but something in the pit of your stomach told you something was going to go wrong. unfortunately you were never wrong. you and Naruto quickly got dressed in your ninja outfits.
Yours was a simple white tank with brown short shorts and you had a belt with a pouch of weapons on them. You had fingerless, black, gloves, and you wore your hair up in a ponytail.
if you forgot whatNaruto's outfit looks've got problems...o_0
anywho! you both walked down to the training grounds. Sakura was already there and Sasuke looked irritated. when he saw you two walking towards them his face just lit up. he ran over to you.

Sasuke: finally!i thought i was gonna die!

you: haha! Sasuke you'll live if i'm not around.

Sasuke: not possible.

he held your hands in his and kissed you. you standing on your tippy-toes kissing him back. it was a perfect moment until you heard a large gasp from in front of you. Sakura had a look of shock and anger on her face. none of you had told Sakura about you and Sasuke being an "item" yet.

you: Sakura before you jump to conclusions-

Sakura: you lied to me!

you: what?

Sakura: you said you wouldn't fall for Sasuke!


Kakashi: i'm Kakashi Hatake, your new sensei. well you've met my band of misfits, but you have yet to meet Sasuke.

as soon as Kakashi said Sasuke Sakura squeeled.

Sakura: Sasuke is the most AMAZINGLY awesome guy EVER!!!! he's soooo hot!!! you better not go after him! you were a bit surprised by her mood change. she acted bi-polar. you shook your head no that you wouldn't go after him and she sighed a sigh of relief.

~~*End FB*~~

you sighed, slapping your forehead.

you: i'm sorry Sakura. i know it looks like i'm stealing him bu-

Sakura: i'm not mad about losing Sasuke! i'm mad that you lied to me! why didn't you just tell me! i wanted to be your friend!

you: i know but i didn't expect you to willingly give him up! last i checked you were head over heels in love with him!

Sakura: he's just a boy! i can put him aside for our friendship!

you: like you did with Ino?

now you caught her. she couldn't argue with that. that's EXACTLY the reason they were enemies! their love for sasuke got in the way and now they were bitter rivals for Sasuke's affection.
(neither of them could even hold a candle to you ^_~)
she just stould there no words coming out of her mouth. her head hung low and you saw a tear drop from her eye. you walked over and hugged her and she hugged you back.

you: i didn't want to just completely forget about you...i just didn't think you would react that well.

Sakura: i know...i'm not exactly the best at handeling things like that....

you: hey, at least now you can get over him!

Sakura: yeah...i guess... you guys do look happy.

Sasuke came up to you and put his arm on your shoulder and you leaned into his chest. Sakura still had sadness in her eyes but she smiled.

Sakura: i still like him but he obviously likes you...but i do feel bad for you.

you: why?

Sakura: you'll be the most hated girl in Konoha! and Sasuke you'll be the most hated guy!

you: why would Sasuke be hated?

they all looked at you like "Are you KIDDING?!?!?!"

Naruto: you're seriously asking that?

you: what?!

Sasuke: have you SEEN yourself!

Sakura: you're a total babe!

Naruto: pssh yeah!

Sasuke: duh!

you: really?

Sasuke, Sakura, and Nauto: YEAH!!!

you were a bit surprised. you knew you were pretty but nothing to freak out over. Sasuke smiled at your humility and kissed your forehead. you smiled and Sakura did too. as soon as you guys started to have a "feel good" moment Kakashi poofed next to you guys.

Kakashi: hey gang! what'd i miss?

Naruto: Sorra and Sasuke are dating and Sakura is over him!

Kakashi looked from you to Sasuke and then at Sakura. you were all nodding.

Kakashi: geez i was just making small talk i didn't expect an answer! anywho, you all know tonight is the annual Konoha dance in Konoha hall.

you: does everything here begin with Konoha?

Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto: yes...

Kakashi: since you all will want to look good i'm not going to make you do anything causeing bruising and what not, today we'll be working on chakra control. this is a pretty neat trick you'll learn today. Sorra, take out a kunai.

you did as you were told and took one out.

Kakashi: now i want you to throw it at me.

Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto: WTF!!?!

you: that's what you're teaching us?!?! i learned that YEARS ago!!! that's one of the first things Kirini showed me!

Naruto: Kirini?

you: my old sensei.

Naruto: oh...gotcha.

Kakashi: you're familiar with this move?

you: pssh! yeah!

Kakashi: than you demonstrate.

you: kay.

Kakashi and you stould about 20 feet from each other.

Kakashi: ready?

you: just throw it!

Kakashi: alright alright!

he threw the kunai your way an you put up your arm with your hands facing the kunai. when it was inches from your hand you yelled.


it stopped in midair


it immediately turned back around and went to Kakashi.

Kakashi: STOP! DOWN!

the kunai stopped and fell to the floor. the others had wide eyes and you just smiled.

Kakashi: exactly what i would expect.

you smiled towards him and the others tried. all in all this is what happened:
1) Naruto cut his hands like 20 times before getting it down
2) Sakura ran away around 40 times before getting it down
3) Sasuke cut his hand about 15 times before getting it down.

you guys made some progress but after a while Kakashi felt you guys go home. when you and Naruto opened the door you guys collapsed on the couch and fell asleep. you guys used a lot of chakra and you were TIRED!
aww! poor tired me!
after a while you woke up and looked at the clock. it said 5:30. Naruto woke up too.

you: Naruto?

Naruto: yeah?

you: when does the dance start?

Nauto: 8:00, why?

you: OMG 8:00?!??!?! oh NO!!!

you frantically got your towel and got into the shower making sure you got out every sweat drop and know from your hair. shit shit shit!!!! i only have a few hours to get ready! dammit!!!

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