That's one tough girl

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you did the same thing as you did in the library, you did handsigns and put your hand on the ground. the light was glowing and Sasuke and Naruto had looks of shock since there were no hand prints to follow the lightning was still in your hand, you put your hand in the air and spun around. the air had a stream of blue and it was basically a little guide to Kiseki. 
you: come on you guys. this will lead us to Kiseki. yo guys started to hop from tree to tree following th blue mist. 

~~*Sasuke's POV*~~

you were hopping from tree to tree behind Sorra and Naruto was next to you. you smiled to yourself. 

you(thinking): i'm so glad Sorra and i are back together. but...what did she man earlier? she didn't want to be taken advantage of again? i should ask her later, for right now i have to focus on Kiseki. 

the blue stream stopped at a little abandoned looking factory. it looked old. 

Sorra: we have to transform into a small animal, something they won't notice. 

Naruto: how bout buterflies? 

you: why not flies? 

Naruto: because so man eyes would give me a headache. 

Sorra: that's true. okay, butterflies it is. 

you guys did a tranformation jutsu into three butterflies. you flew in through a crack in the door and saw two men inthe middle of the room surrounding a blody, tied up Kiseki. you guys flew closer until you were about 2 feet from the strange men. 

man: now how do we get this kid's power? 

other man:i don't know Rizo. i know just as much as you. 

Rizo: which is about nothing. 

Kiseki startd yelling something but it was muffled. the man named Rizo slapped her.

Rizo: shut up! you only speak if spoken too. now, do you know how to give us this power? 

Kiseki nodded and the man took the cloth from her mouth. 

Rizo: you better not be lying. 

Kiseki: i'm not. do you want this or not? i sure as hell don't! 

other man: such a dirty mouth for a little girl! 

Kiseki: let's just cut the crap dumbass i know a lot more than you think! 


was this the quiet girl from before? and did she just...say a contraction? holy crap! you saw Sorra gigling. 

Sorra: that's mah girl! woot! we have to let hr know we're here to help. 

she flew over to Kiseki and you and Naruto did the same. she lew on Kiseki's shoulder and you and Naruto kept out of sight incase the men suspected something. 

~~*Back to your POV*~~

you were on Kiseki's shoulder and i think she knew it. when you landed she smirked. she shut her eyes tightly and you suddenly heard her voice in your head. 

Kiseki: i haven't been practicing these powers for nothing. 

you: wow, i don't too many people who can do this, i can't even do it. and by the way you were awesome telling off that big guy.

Kiseki: thanks. 

you: are you honestly gonna give them your powers? 

Kiseki: are you kidding?! no way!! 

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