Sorra breaks neck and hearts and... vomit?

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when Kakashi, Sira, and Kyon got back you had to leave the next day. you hated it. when you were about to leave you all said your goodbyes. you were surprised because Kiseki cried! you were back in Konoha but still felt terrible about the whole thing with Sasuke. you kept saying you would make it up but he said it was fine. his birthday was the perfect way. you guys had your usual birthday party but you stayed and gave Sasuke a special "present" when everyone left ~_^. 

he said it was the best present you had ever gave him, it had to be special Sasuke was already 20! you guys had been together a long time by then. the next few weeks Sasuke kept giving you that little wink now and then and, without fail, it made you blush every time. you were keeping up with Jakki, Suki, your mom(who by the way was getting closer and closer to Kakashi). you caught her at Kakashi's house a few times ~_^. Suki had a new secret boyfriend, Haruna and Kakashi said their first words on the same day and Jakki was ecstatic! Moon was the one you were worried about the most. she wasn't getting any better and she had lost all her hair. 

Moon: Sorra don't worry, i know i'll be fine. 

you: you are the toughest 9 year old i know. 

Moon: haha! thanks. i gotta do the chemo now, call me back soon. 

you: you know it! 

Moon: thanks. 

you hung up the phone and it only took 5 seconds to ring again. it was Suki. you picked it up and tried to hide the sadness in your voice, you tried to sound happy and bouncy. 

you: hey Suki! what's up? 

Suki: my God what happened?! 

leave it to Suki to detect sadness at the worst times. 

you: i just talked to Moon. 

Suki: oh. she'll be fine. 

you: i hope so...what's new with you? 

Suki: he finally put out! 

you: Suki! 

Suki: what? i've been waiting forever! 

you: you've been on 3 dates. 

Suki: well took him long enough! he's my first time! besides you and Sasuke hadn't ven been on a date your first time! 

you: how was it? 

Suki: amazing! it was everything you said! 

you: i told you! 

Suki: i know! 

you: am i ever gonna know who it is?! 

Suki: mmm....nope don't think so! 

you: why?! 

Suki: because you know him. 

you: so?! 

Suki: so i don't want you to be all big sistery about it and scare him off! 

you: fine. 

Suki: i'm seeing him in 3 days! i'm so excited! 

you: 3 days? 

Suki: he lives far away. 

you: oh. 

Suki: i'm so excited! 

you: have fun. 

Suki: believe me i will! i gotta go, talk to ya later! 

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