Sorra... Please Wake Up?/ Back to the village

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~~*Sasuke's POV*~~ 
you were up and walking around. you had talked to the nurses but they said Sorra hadn't woken up yet. she had used so much chakra that she would probably be dead by the end of the day. that wasn't exactly what you wanted to hear. you saw Sakura and Kakashi walk up to you. Sakura threw her arms around you hugging you. 

Sakura: Sasuke! you're alright! we were so worried! 

Kakashi: she's right. we didn't know if you would make it. 

you: how long hav i been out? 

Kakashi: two days. 

you: two days!?! 

Sakura: yeah. and Sora hasn't even woken up yet. i hope she's okay.

Kakashi: Sakura and i are going to get some flowers for her, do you wanna come? 

you: no. 
they started to walk away but you turned around. 

you: wait! her favorite flowers are cherry blossoms and lillies.

you walked around for about 15 minutes by yourself. you walked down to Sorra's room. she looked so peaceful in her bed. she was just breathing in and out. you grabbed a chair and sat next to her. you just watched her sleep. a tear came down your cheek as you watched her breathing slowly. 

you: why?....why?! Sorra please don't go!! how do you expect me to live?! 

~~*Sakura's POV*~~ 

you had gotten some flowers for Sorra. kakashi had gone back to the hotel to talk to her mom and tell her everything would be fine. you knew she would freak. you got to her room but you heard Sasuke talking to her. she was still asleep but he was still talking. you stould outside the door listening. 

~~*Sasuke's POV*~~ 

you:'re the single most amazing person i've ver met. you're funny, you're so smart, you're sweet, you know exactly what to say to make me feel better. you know what to do to make me happy, to make me laugh. you're the most beautiful woman in this world. i have never met another woman as beautiful as you are. 
the tears were pouring from your eyes. 

you: i...don't know what i would do if you left. how do you expect me to live without you? without your laugh, your sweet voice. your touch, your kiss. 
you felt the skin on her beautiful face and it hurt just to think of her being gone. 
you: w...without this face? without this face to greet me in the morning? without these arms to hug me and hold me when i need them. without your legs to run towards me and hug me when you're excited...withou your hands to touch my face, or my skin... i'm in love with hurts just to think of you being gone...forever... i want to be with you. i want to be your future husband...the father of your children...your shoulder to cry on, your best friend that you can tell anything to..i need you Sorra, i love you...more than life itself. 
you cried on the side of her bed. you wanted her to live, you needed her to live. 

~~*Sakura's POV*~~ 
you were sobbing quietly to yourself. poor Sasuke loved a dying woman. you didn't know if she would live and if she didn't you were sure that Sasuke would kill himself. you walked into her room and put your hand on his shoulder. he turned towards you and he hugged you tightly. 

Sasuke: she c-can't die...she just c-can't! 

you: i know Sasuke...i know... 

you looked at Sorra still sleeping. 

you(thinking): please Sorra. Sasuke needs you, we all need you. plese don't go. you watched her breathe until she started to stir. 

Sorra: Sasuke?

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