There are just to many things going on...

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you were tired of crying over Sasuke. you just wanted to forget about him and you ever being together. 

you: Naruto? 

Naruto: yeah? 

you: can you go? i want to be alone right now. 

Naruto: oh....are you sure? 

you nodded and he gave you a weak smile and he left. you looked around your room and found a picture of you two.
you and him were at a club back in the Cloud Village on your last mission. he was holding you but you both fell on your butts and were laughing about it. you went over to it and turned the picture down. you had a whole box of stuff Sasuke had given you. you had put it under your bed because that's were you always kept it. you opened it up and pulled out an old letter he had given you after the first time you kissed. 

Dear Sorra, 
last night was literally the best night of my life. i really like you, you're beautiful, you're smart, and you're super funny, and you get me! you understand the pain that i go through. you treat me like a person and not just some hot guy that you assume is in love with you. thanks for being awesome. 


you put it down and found a picture you had taken after the first night you had spent together.
you smiled at it and remembered just how cute he was. you put that down and found another letter from after your night together. 

i can't get you out of my head. i think i might be in love with you. you're very special to me and i'll never be able to forget last night. you're so amazing. i really love you. 

you put the letter down and stared at the box. you didn't want to look at it. you did a special jutsu to transport it back to under your bed at home. you got up and left the room. you just wanted to walk off the pain but when you saw Sasuke in the garden it brought it all back. you didn't even want to look at him but unfortunately he saw you. he ran up to you but you were walking faster so you could avoid him. 

Sasuke: Sorra! wait! 

you: don't talk to me Uchiha! 

Sasuke: please just listen! 

you wipped your head to him and he was a bit startled by it. 

you: why should i?! i heard enough the first time! 

Sasuke: i don't think that was me! 

you: what the hell?!?! stop playing innocent! 

Sasuke: i'm not! i don't even remember what the hell happened after getting dressed! 

you: why should i believe that! you just want me back in the sack! 

Sasuke: what?! 

you: don't deny it! i know it's true! 

Sasuke: well i don't! and i never will! 

you: look, i don't have time for this. 

you turned around but he grabbed your wrist and twisted you around. 

you: don't touch me! 

Sasuke: i need you to listen to me! 

you: no! i've heard enough! 

Sasuke: please Sorra!! 

you: no i- 

he quickly pulled you into a kiss and wrapped his arms around you. you started to give in and your arms twitched as you were about to put them around his neck. but instead you pushed away before you got into it. 

Why are you so different ~Sasuke Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now