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the words played over and over in your head. pregnant. you were pregnant with Sasuke's baby. you turned to Sasuke and you saw tears in his eyes. he turned to you and he gripped you in a tight hug. tears of joy flowed down your cheeks and you jumped from the bed. you jumped into Sasuke's arms and he held you in the warmest hug he had ever given you. 

Sasuke: we're gonna have a baby! a beautiful baby!!! 

you: i know!!! 

he released you and kissed you so lovingly it made you melt. when he pulled apart he put his forehaed on yours. you looked into his eyes a few tears went down his face, he was crying for joy. 

you: i didn't know you would be happy. 

Sasuke: are you kidding? you, the love of my life, are going to have MY baby! i don't care whether it's a boy or a girl the fact is that we're having a baby! a BABY! a little person we can love, raise, hold in our arms! and i get to have it with you! the most beautiful woman on this earth! 

he hugged you again and you gripped him tight. Sakura was crying too. she had the biggest smile on her face. you both turned to her. 

you: come on get in here! 

she ran up and hugged both of you two. 

you: Sakura, you realize what this means don't you?

sakura: no, what? 

you: you're gonna be an aunt! Naruto is gonna be an uncle! so is Kimiruu and Suki! and my mom is going to be a grandmother! oh my God i have to call her! wait no, i should tell her in person! 

Sakura: i can't believe you guys are going to have a baby! 

Sasuke: i know, i guess Tsunade's pills aren't as great as we thought. 

you: well i'm not surprised, i was her guiny pig. she didn't know if they would work or not. but who cares i got something wonderful out of it! come on i wanna go tell my mom! 

you grabbed your clothes and changed as quick as lightning. 

Sakura: you're gonna have a lot of morning sickness. 

you: yeah i know, but it's nothing compared to the bundle of joy i'm gonna have after 9 months!

Sakura: 8, the fifth week is when you find out you're pregnant. 

you: cool! 

you grabbed sasuke's hand and ran out of the hospital. 

you: let's just poof to Kakashi's. 

Sasuke: got it. 

he did some hadnsigns and gripped your hand. you were in front of Kakshi's in a cloud of smoke. you banged on the door hard and fast. it was only a few seconds before Kakshi came to the door. he looked at you as though you were a mad woman. 

Kakshi: what the hell?!?! i'd like to keep my door without fist shaped holes in it! 

you: Kakashi we have important news! where's my mom!?!?! 

Kakashi: i'll get her. Hana! your crazy child is here! 

mom: yeah i heard her from the Cloud Village. 

you ran in with Sasuke and sat both Kakashi and your mom on the couch. you both got in front and looked as if you were going to say a speech. you took a deep breath and Sasuke looked at you beaming. 

you: mom, Kakashi-sensei. 

Sasuke and you: we're gonna have a baby!!! 

your mom and kakashi's mouths dropped to the floor. tears welled up in your mother's eyes and the biggest smile you had ever seen grew across her face. they both ran up to hug you guys.

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