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Seonghwa could care less about that little twat. He had better things to do then deal with Jongho.

"Pup, come here." He calls for the other. Yunho walks over to seonghwa and stands besides him, watching him go over some of these roughly scribble down notes he wrote. He could barely make out what it said tho.


Seonghwa look over at yunho who was reading his notes.

He didn't care if the boy did anyways. They were for his latest work which was him creating a mount for a black fox he picked up from a local hunter.

He told yunho he did taxidermy and worked at a funeral home. Which both were true. But he didn't want yunho to find out about his big experiments at the moment. But he'll give Yunho the talk about what happened to him soon though.

Right now, he has yunho doped up on so much drugs for his pain that he doesn't really notice what had happened to him.

Plus, yunho doesn't fuck around with his bandages either cause Hwa told him that he was the only one to touch them and change them. He doesn't know what was even going on with him yet.

"Can you retrieve me these items from my drawers while I get the fox?" Seonghwa hands him a little paper and yunho nods. He knows what these tools are as he was training to be a vet technician so he could then trained for a vet assistant.

After watching Hwa unlock a door before going into the basement. Yunho went to retrieve these tools for him. Which they were all easy to find since most of them were in the same drawer in his lab table.

Yunho felt like he accomplish his task in a timely manner. He was happy, his lower back started to faintly ache due to him being excited with being able to help Hwa with his project.

After a few minutes pass yunho started to become worried. Seonghwa was taking a really long time to get his fox. Yunho started whining, "Seonghwa? Are you okay?" He yells out.

No response.

The boy wondered off to the opened door that lead down to a basement. It was extremely dark. He wonders how Hwa could even see down there.

"Hwa?" He calls out once more. And sill got no response.

Yunho took a deep breath and started making his way down the steps. Yunho was scared of the dark. But he needed to check on seonghwa to make sure he's okay.

It didn't smell to good down there. More of a lingering decaying smell was filling his nose, making his stomach churn a bit.

He was almost down the last step when he bumped into something solid.

"You're not allowed to be down here." Seonghwa's deep voice echoes in the darkness. A chill went up his spine. He couldn't see his face but he can tell that he was so close by the feeling of his hot breath fan across his face.

"I d-didn't know, I'm so s-sorry!" Yunho wanted to cry. He felt like he disobeyed Seonghwa! He can't stand the guilt when he does that.

The black haired was pissed at the boy for coming down here. He has things down here that he doesn't want yunho to see. As soon as he noticed the boy coming down the stairs he was going to teach the boy a lesson for not listening to him. But he stopped himself. He never told the boy that he couldn't come down here.

Seonghwa can make out every detail on the boy in the dark. He notices the boy's tears upon his cheeks.

"Why were you coming down here?" He asked.

Yunho reaches his hands out and blindly reaches for Seonghwa. His hands feeling up the latter's broad chest until he found his neck and wraps his arms around the black haired male.

"You were t-taking forever.. I wanted to make sure you're o-okay."

Seonghwa felt funny. He never had someone care for him to make sure he was okay. He never received anything like that in his life. So this was a new feeling for him.

"Okay. I'll let this go. But don't come back down here unless I tell you to. This is the only time I'm telling you this."

Yunho nods, "I promise! But Hwa..?"

Seonghwa felt the boy's arms tighten a little around his neck, "what is it?"

"Can you carry me? I'm scared." Yunho whines.

Seonghwa sighs, "Alright. Hold this." The older removes the younger's arms from around his neck and puts them in front of him.

He places a heavy furry object in his arms, which he assumes is the fox. It's still very much warm like it had just been killed. He thought it was weird. Hwa told him he got it from a local hunter..

"Was the fox alive..?" Yunho had to ask.

"I never said it was dead." He said nonchalantly.

"I would assume it was since you said it was from a hunter."

"It was from a hunter. He ran out of ammo at the time to put it out and he didn't want to release it so he told me to come get it to have for my collection. Only thing is, I had to do the killing." This obviously wasn't a problem for Seonghwa.

Yunho kinda felt sorry for the fox's outcome. But he knows seonghwa is gonna make him beautiful and lively again.

"I want up. It's scary down here.." yunho mumbles.

Seonghwa picks the younger up with ease but makes sure he had one hand underneath yunho and the other wrapped around his waist to keep him up as he walks up the stairs.

Once upstairs into the lab. Yunho notices that Seonghwa was covered in fur and blood and so was himself.

Surprisingly, this didn't faze him since Hwa explained it to him.

Seonghwa walks him over by the table before putting him down. He then takes the fox from yunho and brings it to his metal table. Yunho follows him close behind watching the latter.

"Can you bring me those tools I asked you to get, over here?"

"Mhm!" Yunho retrieves the handful of tools and displays them for seonghwa on his side table.

The older peers over to his left. Yunho was looking at him intently, with what seems to be want in his big doe orbs. "Very good, pup." He says softly.

Yunho smiles wide and launches himself onto the older, wrapping his arms around his waist tightly, snuggling into the male's back.

Seonghwa was tense at the boy's reaction. He looked down at the blood stained arms secured around his waist. He honestly doesn't know how to feel about it.

He couldn't explain it.

Putting these strange thoughts aside, he got to work on skinning the fox.

While he was working, he could feel yunho rubbing his face into his back and him switching his positioning of his arms so they were on his lower abdomen.

"You're okay, seonghwa.." yunho whispered softly to the older.

Seonghwa didn't say anything to him. He didn't know why yunho was saying this to him.

"I can tell you don't get loved as rude as that sounds. I promise I'm not. But you're emotionless almost like a blank canvas. I never seen you smile since I been here. When I touch you, you become stiff like you're afraid I'll do something to harm you." Yunho says.

"This whole time I've been holding you, since I laid a finger on you, you were shaking like a leaf. If you're not comfortable with me hugging you and touching you, please say that.."

Seonghwa's heart ache hearing these words come from Yunho's mouth. He didn't even understand himself or what that is. He didn't know he shakes when he gets touched. He doesn't understand emotions like that except for fear, anger and sadness.

He felt a tear stray down his cheek but wiped it away. He doesn't understand and that's what bothers him the most.

Yunho went to remove his arms from around Seonghwa to give him space, but as soon as he lifted his hands off of the black haired, he felt warm wet hands holding his hands from moving.


Yunho held Seonghwa for the rest of the time being while the older worked.

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