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"Mingi, I don't think we are going to find out where Yunho is. Yes, it's most likely that he ran away. But we normally verify that the kids are alive and safe. We can't in this case.." Hongjoong sighed as he looked at the picture of a innocent sweet young man who looked visibly sick.

The longer he looked at this picture the more it didn't sit right with him. He pulls out the rest of the picture of yunho and begins looking into them.

"Well I'm not giving up. I know he's somewhere and my gut is telling me that he's in trouble but my heart is telling me that he's at peace. Not dead or anything but that he finally got away." Mingi said going back over the statements from the neighbors of the area for the millionth time.

Hongjoong suspicion begins to rise when notice in some of the pictures that were provided by his parents were ones of the boy in slight distress. He appeared to had be crying due to the flash being use to take this pictures. Visible marks and bruising on the boy's skin. And the way he look almost sickly underweight was concerning.

"Have we looked into the parents? Cause by the looks of some of these pictures he looks like he was getting abused. Maybe even starved." The older officer hands the pictures over to his partner.

Mingi takes a look into this and was dumbfounded how they haven't realized this since they had these pictures. "Not really. But if you look at their statement, it's kinda weird, huh?"

"Yunho wouldn't have been gone for this long. We just never reported it sooner because he always ran away. It drives me and my husband nuts when he does shit like that. He knows better than this but the kid never learns. It's like talking to a rock most times. Lately, he's been hanging round a drug addict. I assume that they are doing drugs together the way Yunho acts."
           -Yunho's mother

"This new school discipline doesn't work for that boy. If I'm being honest- the kid is dumb. He also needs to learn to grow up. He's not allowed the food in the house anymore cause he's gotten ungrateful and extremely disrespectful. So we told him to pay his own way. It was actually something we just started doing the other week actually. He looks fine, just looks like he's started doing drugs which is something we don't want his brother around. We aren't really concerned about him being gone but we just want to if he was alive so he can stay where he's at."
          -Yunho's father

"I'm really upset that my favorite brother ran away.. he would actually be there for me and try his best to comfort me, even though he has his own problems. He's actually very smart! He's going to vet school and doing very well! I'm very proud of him. He also very naive, that why mom and dad are mean to him. I remember when they kept food from him cause he would try to defend himself that he wasn't doing drugs. And they didn't believe him.. Which I don't understand.. his friend was kinda rude but he was nice sometimes and would give me money! That's actually where yunho would go to stay away from mom and dad when they got very mad at him. Yunho told me that he never does drugs and he just wanted to go where he felt safe from them. Honestly, mom and dad aren't nice to him. It actually makes me kinda happy for him when he would leave home. It made me know that mom and dad weren't going to hurt him. I miss him so much.. I just want to see him again.."
     -Gunho (Yunho's only brother)

"Are we just this fucking stupid?! God! It's been months and we are just now noticing this. He's clearly been abused at home, which is why he would run away. His brother says he goes to this guys house.. which I assume they think are doing drugs which I don't really think that's the case and is only a cover up for starving the poor boy." Hongjoong was mad. This young boy didn't feel safe at home and would runaway to hide his from this parents. He didn't deserve this.

"Let's go talk to his friend then. Let's see if we have a name here.. fucksakes.. it's Choi Jongho. He gives me a headache." Mingi sighs as he rubs his temple.

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