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"How's it going Mr.Park? Long time no see, huh?" He was stopped by his old college teacher Kang Seulgi.

"Ah, Mrs.Kang. Pleasure to see you again. Are you here for the Bae family?" He asks. He looks at her intently when she fixed something on her blouse. He wonders if her and yunho could possibly be a match..

"Yeah, I am. My best friend's dad.. you're doing the service for her and her family. All I can say is that you did an amazing job, he looks like he just went to sleep peacefully."

He didn't like hearing compliments about him coming from her. Of course he knows he did good work. If he didn't he wouldn't have gotten such high end clients for his services.

"Thank you. I would gladly show you the process of my work, if you like? It's literally not a secret on what I do." He suggested.

She smiles widely, "I would be honored."

He signals her to follow him from away from the service into a back room where he has another client in the middle of being prepared.

"Oh wow! Have you done anything with him yet?" She asked as her eyes scanned over the body.

"A little bit of work. As you can see, he just needs his face fixed up then he's ready for tomorrow." He says as he opens up a drawer where he keeps his sterile scalpels in and takes one out.

"I am amazed that my teachings led to an outstanding results. It makes me so proud."

Seonghwa was standing right behind her when she backed up and bumped into him. He took this opportunity to stab her in the back of her arm like she bumped into the blade.

"Ow! That hurts a lot!" She yelps.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, Seulgi! I didn't realize I was standing so close to you, hold on." Seonghwa grabs a paper towel to soak up her blood. It was enough for him to get a result but not enough for her to get stitches.

Seulgi hisses when she felt a heavy hand applying pressure to the small wound. She knows Seonghwa didn't mean too. She shouldn't have been all in his way.

"It doesn't look too bad. I'll grab a bandage. It's just a surface cut, thankfully it wasn't too serious."

"What did you cut me with?" She hopes it wasn't a dirty blade or anything crazy.

"It was a fresh sterile scalpel. You actually bumped into it when I was walking over. Are you okay though?"

He gently placed a patch on her cut. She nods. "I'm good, my arm is just gonna be a little tender for a while. But accidents happen but thank you for helping me" she laughs a bit.

She looks up at him and smiles, tucking a piece of his black hair behind his ear. She notices his eye twitch and constrict like you shined a light into them.

She always loved when his eyes did that when she used to playfully touch him back in the day. He was always a handsome young man but now, he's astonishing to look at.

Seonghwa's mind was going haywire. He never like her. He didn't like this. Her touching him and touching up his arm like she was, fueled his anger towards her.

He gripped the scalpel tightly and angled it towards her stomach.

"It was such a pleasure to meet you again, Seonghwa.. we should meet up together for some coffee or something when you have the time, I would love to catch up with you on some things." She says as she lets go of his arm.

She notices the scalpel close to her abdomen, "You should watch where you're moving that thing. You could really hurt yourself or someone." She jokes about it.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now