
384 17 11

⚠️ mentions of child death.

It's been a few weeks since Seonghwa has had a breakdown or cried. This was very strange to Yunho. Maybe he's gotten so used to the cries of his lover that him being quiet and distant was new once again.

"Something is off about you.." the puppy male says as he watches Seonghwa grab a duffle bag from out his closet. The white haired glances over at him, "Like what?" he asks as he walks out the room with Yunho hot on his trail.

"Your whole demeanor. What's wrong? Something is up with you." Yunho states. The pair made it into the lab and seonghwa was suddenly getting irritated with the other for once, "Nothing is wrong with me. You're assuming shit."

The puppy male's fluffy ears laid against his head, "How the fuck is that assuming when you been acting like this since those two idiots showed up to the house! The only time you acted like this is when I first met you!" he raises his voice at the other.

Seonghwa places the bag on the table and sighs deeply, "Please, for the love of god, shut the fuck up for a few minutes. You're starting to get on fucking nerves." he says as he glances at his phone that suddenly went off.

Yunho was shaking in rage. Seonghwa has never spoke to him with such disrespect before. He wasn't going to put up with any of it.

He walks behind the table so he was standing face to face with the white haired. Seonghwa moves the phone more into his face ignoring his lovers deathly glares. He already regrets saying that to the puppy boy.

The younger snatches the phone from him and places it on the table, "Fuck you hiding your face for?! You know better than to talk to me like that.. look at me when I'm talking to you!" yunho grabs his jaw roughly, forcing him to look at him. Seonghwa looks at him with wide eyes, "I'm sorry.." he rushes out.

This side of yunho was scaring him..

"You're not sorry. You're only sorry because I'm pissed off at you. I'm getting fed up with your disrespectful attitude towards me. It's a fucking shame how you been treating the person who loves you.." He says lowly. seonghwa didnt know how to resopnd that.

"Now you got nothing to say, huh?" he says as he drops his hand and picks up Seonghwa's phone that didn't seem to stop going off. Yunho notices these were notifications coming from a woman who he didnt even know.

"who the fuck is seunglee? and why is she texting you with all these flirty messages and asking to come over?" yunho glares at the older who was trembling. "I d-dont know her personally. I swear! I don't know why she is.." he spoke softly. He didn't like when Yunho was mad at him. But he knows it was his fault for causing this tenison between them.

Yunho chuckles deeply, "I think you forgot about what I said long ago.. If she didn't benefit me, don't bring a female home to me. Remember what I said behind closed doors, that I would make you both suffer until your last dying breath if you were to talk to one behind my back unless it was for work.. you're mine Seonghwa.. if I can't have you then no one can.." he will go fucking crazy if this bitch shows up to the house.

Seonghwa lips trembles as yunho angrily slams his phone down on the table. He didn't even know this girl was texting him such things and trying to come over. He did text her back a few times though but it was nothing serious. She must have just sent it.

"Please.. I'm so fucking sorry! I'll do anything as long as you don't try to force me to leave you forever.. I love you so m-much! I'm sorry for being in a bad mood but they brought back really terrible memories.. I didn't intend to take my irritation and frustration out on y-you.. I truly don't know who this seunglee is! I don't understand her intentions with me. Please f-forgive me.. I'll be g-good.." he cries into his hoodie sleeve. He didn't know what to do.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now