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"Hwa! Wake up!" Yunho shakes the sleeping male's shoulders. He's been hearing strange noises all morning and he is too scared to investigate by himself.

He normally couldn't hear this well. He suspected that since his puppy ears have healed by now, he could probably now hear out of them too.

Seonghwa groans and turns to his side. "Hwa! Don't you ignore me!" Yunho scolds.

Still half asleep seonghwa responds to him, "what do you want..?"

"There are weird noises coming from your lab and it's driving me nuts. Do something about it or I will." He really didn't want to do it.

"You deal with it. It's yours anyways.." seonghwa didn't mean to say that but it's too late now. He mind as well go back to sleep and let yunho deal with his new toy.

Yunho was confused, "mine? Is this my new friend you mentioned?!" He was getting excited. Seonghwa hums.

"I'll be back, hwa.." yunho presses a lingering kiss upon seonghwa's cheek before leaving the room.

Rosie noticed yunho leaving and follows him.

The two made it into the lab where they noise was louder. It was of banging coming from behind that basement door that was a no zone.

Rosie started growling as yunho walk up to the door, he was skeptical of opening it cause of her.

It took him a minute but he unlocked the door and opened it. There was a boy that was sitting on the top step looking back at him.

They stared blankly at each other in silence for a minute or two trying to read each other.

Yunho being the first to speak, "come on, please.. I don't like the basement door being open like this." Yunho says softly.

Jeno looked at him and found him strangely familiar. The boy carefully stood up and let out a soft cry when he took his first step out of the basement.

Yunho gave him sad eyes. "He hurt you, didn't he?" Jeno held onto yunho for support as he finally managed to get out of that damn basement.

The boy nods.

"He's gonna hear it from me when I see him. But I'm gonna give you some medicine for the pain, okay? Just come over here with me." Yunho guides him to a stool in the lab. After he helps him take a seat, he walks over to the basement door, shutting it and locks it.

There was a red button beside the door that kills all the power to the basement. He notice the lights were on when he opened the door. Those were never allowed on. It could get his new friend in trouble. He presses the button before walking over to seonghwa's lab table, finding the meds hwa was giving him before he switch them.

It took a minute before he found what he was looking for. He gave half of one to jeno and kept the other half in his pocket for later for the boy.

"Take this. It will help with your pain. Just give it a few minutes to work." Yunho hands jeno the pill. Jeno eyed the pill, "what is it?"

"Oxycodone. It will help you, I promise." Yunho hands him a small paper cup filled with water to help him take it.

Jeno took the small cup from the other.

This "pup" person was extremely nice and caring to him. He wonders how these two live together with this dynamic.

The literal version of hell and heaven.

The boy swallows the pill chasing it with the water.  "Are you "pup" or is the actual dog pup..?" He asked afterwards.

The little retriever wasn't fond of him and was literally pressed against Yunho's leg, almost as she was protecting him. "That would be me. I'm his "puppy" but this is my princess, Rosie. It was his dog but then I basically took her from him so she's mine."

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now