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"Fucking hell, hwa! I can't! It hurts so m-much.." Yunho yells at Seonghwa. The older has been trying to coax the younger to stand up. He's already gave yunho his medication about 30 mins beforehand. He personally thinks it's the pressure of the boy sitting up that is causing the discomfort.

"You can." He says.

Yunho was pissed. He knows he couldn't stand up cause it hurts too much and seonghwa wasn't listening. He raised his hand and slapped Seonghwa upside his head. "You're not even listening to me when I say I CANNOT GET UP!"

The black haired looked at him. "You're lucky I love you so much. But I'm going to explain something to you about why I think you can and I know you can." He says gently.

The puppy boy pouts at him.

"What's bothering you is the pressure not the pain. You're internal body has to form and adjust to this new foreign object in your lower abdomen so it's going to be extremely uncomfortable until it does. What would help is if you apply pressure along your tummy so it doesn't move as much when go to sit up or stand. You're still going to feel a bit of discomfort but not as much as before. And also I want you to calm down, okay?" Seonghwa says as he fixes the boy's rilakkuma hair clip that was sliding down.

Yunho nods, "okay.." the older grabs one of the small decorative pillows off the bed and holds it gently along Yunho's tummy. "I'm going to apply some pressure, okay? I want you use my shoulder to balance yourself as I help you stand up."

The puppy boy was nervous about this but he trusted his hwa so he did as he was told.

Seonghwa applied a good amount pressure on the boy before he used his other hand to brace it along the boy's lower back. He could tell this was the issue as he noticed yunho not tensing up as much now. "I know this is uncomfortable but I want you to stand up now." He says. Yunho places his hands on his lover's shoulder to help as he stood up.

"See, you're already up, baby." Seonghwa smiles. He gently removed his hand from the boy's stomach and puts the pillow under his arm.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you and slapped you. I didn't really mean it." He says softly. Seonghwa chuckles, "it's okay, darling. Now that you're up, let's go for a walk." He says as he intertwines his fingers with Yunho's.

The puppy boy happily follows Seonghwa out their bedroom and into the kitchen. "Hey, Seonghwa?" Yunho questions as he peers around. He notices something was off.

"Yes, baby?"

"Where's Rosie? The last time I've seen her was Sunday.. today is Wednesday and I have yet to see her. It's bothering me really bad." His eyes stung from the tears forming in his eyes. He wanted to make sure that she was okay.

"She's outside at the moment. I've had her sleep in our guest room for a few days until I had you moving around before she saw you. She's been very snappy lately cause I didn't want her to be with you after your surgery. She even bit my hand earlier when I was trying to pet her." The older sighs, he still has a hard time adjusting to the fact that she's obsessed with yunho and barely listens to him anymore.

He had her trained for certain tasks when he was at his peak of killing. Nowadays, she only listens to yunho. Which he doesn't mind but she doesn't do her job well anymore because of her obsession. But he knows she still loves him she's just in a mood at the moment.

"Awe, well can I see her now?" He pouted. Yunho was dying to see her again. Seonghwa nods, "yes, but I want you to go sit down on the couch so you're not bending down to pet her. Are you able to sit down by yourself?" He asks.

"I'm sure I can. Now go get the baby!" Yunho barks out as he takes the small pillow from Seonghwa. The older puts his hands up in defense as he turns around and walked out the room.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now