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Mingi and hongjoong were out on patrol at the mall eating ice cream together when they noticed two men with fluffy ears and a tail on, arguing very loudly in the middle of the crosswalk.

Mingi's eyes widened when he recognized the two, "those two work for Mars Manics.. I think those are park Seonghwa's only two employees out of the whole company." He says to his partner as he finishes his ice cream.

"Maybe we should go over there and talk to them and ask a few questions about Park. They have to be very close with him. We might be able to get some more information about the guy.. he's coming up a lot lately." Hongjoong says as he throws the rest of his ice cream away and walks over two the bickering pair.

Mingi was close behind but froze when he met eyes with wooyoung. The smaller boy sent him a glare, "look who it is.. what do you want now?" Wooyoung says clearly irritated.

Mingi puts his hands up in defense, "calm down, okay? Well first you two are being very disruptive to the people here trying to have a good time. Second, we wanna ask you two some questions about your boss, Mr.Park."

San raised an eyebrow at them, "why are you guys all of a sudden wanna talk about him for.. y'all got a crush on him or something?!"

Hongjoong felt a little threatened by the pair. They gave off a weird vibe definitely that San boy.. probably because they work with the dead for a living or whatever. "No- we have notice there is a lot of talk about the director lately on some other things in the office so.. is it okay if we talk to you guys about some things?" He asked the pair.

Wooyoung looked at San for approval. The two agreed with each other before eyeing the two officers, "fine." Woo says.

"Follow." Mingi says as he guides the group to a discreet location in the mall that was an isolated small cafe. It was like nobody was working there and it was just open for the public anyways.

The group sat down in one of the many booths in the back of the cafe and with a deep sigh Mingi just cuts to the case.

"Wooyoung. San. Your boss Park Seonghwa has something to do with a cold case we might be digging up from his past and we just wanted to know if they were worth actually digging back up." The faux blonde looks at the pair intensely.

San was so confused on what this had to do with them, "like what? Cause I've only knew him since the beginning of this year and Wooyoung, he's very new to the company so we only know so much about Mr.Park."

Hongjoong nods, "Okay. Just try your best to answer the following questions then. If you don't know then just say that." He says as he pulls out his notebook and a pen.

"First, what we're digging up is the disappearance of his parents. They went missing about 2/3 years ago. They have never been found. Seonghwa also doesn't want to speak on it. And even though they had a big payout for their life insurance, seonghwa never claimed it. But we are still on the fence if he was involved with it. Second, is the disappearance of the boy Jeong yunho, he was last traced back to the parking lot of Mars Manics. Even though he's reported as a runaway. We still have yet to find him alive and safe. We are wondering if you guys might have recall seeing the boy anywhere near there at anytime. This is his picture. We are honestly more interested in the information with yunho then the cold case." Mingi says as he pulls out a the folded picture of the boy from his back pocket that he keeps there, placing on the table in front of the two boys.

Mingi's eyes lit up as he notices the pair clearly looking at the picture in shocked. The little robotic ears on their heads perks up with interest. Maybe they seen him.. or know him.

"Oh my- why is he crying in this picture..?" San pouts at the picture of yunho. Of course he knew who this was. Doesn't mean he's gonna tell them where he was..

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