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It was around 4am when Seonghwa woke up out of his sleep from a headache that hurts so bad that he could throw up from the pain. He didn't want to wake yunho up but he needed someone.

"Puppy.." he whispers. Yunho's fluffy ears twitched but he was still asleep. "Please wake up.." Seonghwa whines.

Yunho blindly reaches his hand out to Seonghwa, pulling the male into his side by his arms. "What's wrong, baby?" The brunette mumbles as he rubs his hand across the male's back.

The older nuzzles his face in Yunho's neck softly babbling his problems to him. "Honey, I can't understand you if you're just going to talk into my neck." Yunho notices this was odd behavior from the other. Seonghwa rarely acted like this.

"My head hurts really bad. But not really anymore.." Seonghwa says as he rested his head on the boy's chest trying his best not hurt the other's tummy.

Yunho finally opens his eyes and was met with big doe ones with a soft smile.

"My precious hwa.. you were crying." the puppy boy says quietly, gently caressing the side of his head.

Seonghwa's smile drops. He was hoping that he wouldn't have noticed and wouldn't mention it. It hurts to think about that again. But he really needs to stop thinking such a way.

"I was.. but not anymore, puppy. Don't wanna talk about that, please." He whines.

It always made yunho concerned when Seonghwa cries. He's been crying so much lately, that it's worrisome. If he's overwhelmed, overthinks, if it was about the puppy boy, he full blown sobbing and can barely breathe.

Maybe he needs to let whatever is bothering him out.

"Okay, we don't have to talk about that. But I do want to talk to you about something else. But I have a feeling that you're Ddeonghwa. So I'll save that for later." Yunho plays with the boy's pink ends of his hair. He still loves how he kept it pink this whole time.

"Me Ddeonghwa.." Seonghwa said softly. He leans up and pecks the puppy boy on the lips a few times before readjusting himself in a more comfortable position. Snuggling into the boy's neck and a arm secured around his chest.

Yunho loves that he's still aware that he has to be careful with him and isn't like wooyoung who wouldn't even have a second thought when jumping onto him.

The brunette lets out a soft giggle as Seonghwa kisses his neck and behind his ear. "..I love you, puppy."

"I love you too, darling."

"Go back to sleep now.. I'm feeling much better now, puppy." Seonghwa spoke softly holding the other just a bit tighter in his arms.

Yunho didn't say another word as he fell fast asleep.


When yunho woke up later in the day, seonghwa was nowhere to be seen. He looked over at the clock on the wall in their bedroom as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.


He never sleeps in for that long..

He carefully got out of bed and went looking for his hwa.

His first instinct was to look into his office. Which he wasn't there. He wasn't in the bathroom either.

"Hwa?" He calls out as he walked into the empty living room.

No response.

"Did he leave again?" He mumbles to himself. He wasn't surprised but normally he tells him he's leaving. That's what bugs him that most. It makes him nauseous when seonghwa goes missing. He couldn't lose his love.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now