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Yunho was playing on his phone when his ears twitched at the sound of keys and mews. His hwa was finally home after a long eventful day.

He watches as Seonghwa came through the front door with his hands full, a kitten draping over his shoulders like a half scarf, and the biggest frowny face ever.

Yunho got up from the couch and went over to help his hwa. Placing the kitten on the floor with Rosie who is oh so gentle with Aurora. And taking some of the bags from his hwa's hands and placing them on the kitchen counter.

Seonghwa places the rest of the bags on the counter for yunho to go through.

He felt extremely relieved that he was finally home to his love. But quite upset with the thought of he was still pissed off at him.

"My baby boy, I'm not mad at you anymore. You apologized to them and they cared enough to forgive you. You apologized to me. I forgave you. You're literally shaking because you're scared of me being upset with you. I promise I'm not. I just want you to calm yourself down and relax because today was something else." Yunho said softly.

With shaky hands, Seonghwa gently grabbed yunho's hands and held them to his cheeks. All he wanted was for yunho to touch him. To melt away all his inner voices to self harm or harm others.

"You're burning up, honey. Didn't I tell you all that crying was going to make you sick?" Yunho asks. Seonghwa was literally hot to the touch. This wasn't normal for the latter.


Yunho gently grazed his cheeks with the pads of his thumbs, his cheeks were flushed, nose red as ever, eyes swollen. His hwa can never catch a break.

"What am I going to do with you, honey?" Yunho jokes. The older mumbled a very faint 'I don't know..' as he leans into the boy's touches.

"Are you hungry? When was the last time you ate something?" Yunho asks him when he heard Seonghwa's tummy growl.

Seonghwa didn't want to tell him when he last ate something. He's been buried deep in his head lately to even give a fuck about eating. But he didn't want to lie to him either.

"..the last time you made me something.." he mumbles.

Yunho's audible gasp was enough to make him break down crying again. "I-I'm sorry.." he cried softly.

The puppy boy pulled Seonghwa into him and hugged him tightly, rubbing soothing circles on his back. "You don't have to be sorry, baby. But not eating anything for almost two weeks isn't good for you. No wonder you keep getting sick and weaker as days go by. Well, I'm going to make you something right now and you're going to eat it."

"O-okay.." the white haired sniffles. He didn't want yunho to leave him, no longer touching him. But yunho also hates it whenever he's basically clinging on to him as he's cooking. He respects that.

"You sit down right here and I'm going make you a light meal so it's not hard on your stomach." Yunho guides him to one of the many island stools and gives him a quick peck on his temple before getting to work.

"I love you so much.. I'm very grateful to have you here in my life. I don't mean to give you a hard time, I'm just trying to understand myself sometimes. One minute I'm perfectly fine and next I snap into this murderous rage that makes me want to kill. Afterwards, I always want you to ground myself back into reality. Then I become depressed again and want to self harm again but I haven't done it since I've been with you but there's been times I really wanted too like moments ago.. I just needed you and to hold me to overcome that feeling of despair. It works most of the time.. I don't understand why I'm like this sometimes. But sometimes people piss me off and make me go crazy.." Seonghwa rambles off.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now