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⚠️: animal death.

Jeong Yunho.

A 19 year old trying to survive in his terrible neighborhood. He still lives with his parents as he was working to get his vet technician license. Which at the moment, he's bout to give up and just say fuck college.

And he didn't like the fact that he had to walk back and forth from home and to college cause his parents won't allow him to use the family car.

Always having to deal with his messed up neighbors trying to do or say something inappropriate to him.

Like right now. He was just walking from school back home and as soon as he steps into his neighborhood he sees the local drug dealer standing by a tree.

Yunho puts his head down and tries to ignore the guy calling out for him.

"Hey, Yunho!" He flinches. He doesn't like doing anything for that guy.

"I know your ass can hear me! Bring your ass over here and hurry up!" He yells out at him.

With a soft sigh, he slowly makes his way over to the shorter male. Yunho avoids eye contact with him like he always does.

"I need you to do me a little favor.." the guy spoke quietly. He didn't need the whole neighborhood to hear his business.

"Like what? If it's something stupid again I'm not doing it." Yunho states. He didn't need to get into anymore trouble with his parents then he already is.

The guy with the big round eyes smirked. "It's very important. And it's a big transaction that involves a lot of money. I'll even give you a quarter of it when you make it back with the money. And I know you're still trying to pay off your classes.."

"How much?"


"That's a lot."

"Yeah it is. And you'll get 3,750 dollars if you do it." He says.

Yunho finally looked at the other with wide eyes. That would be a lump some in his pocket and he could pay off his classes and still have some left over.

"Okay. So, what's is it?" Yunho says.

"I need you to take viles of propofol and some oxies to a certain location. I would go if I didn't have other plans. You wouldn't mind doing this run for me, will you?" The short guy asked.

The only thing filled Yunho's head was money. Much needed money. "Of course I'll do it for you, Jongho." Yunho says with a soft smile.

Jongho nods, "Ight. Now, turn around."

Yunho does just that and felt tugging at his bookbag before he heard the his bag being unzipped. "You have to be careful not to break these. Cause if you do or I find out that you did.. I will break your neck. Got it?" The sudden harsh tone made Yunho want to cry.

He never like being yelled at and was always a people pleaser. But since his family moved into this neighborhood, everyone seems to always get him in trouble with his parents. And he never got yelled at or punished for anything until he moved here.

"I promise I won't!" Yunho rushes out. He heard his bag get zipped back up and Jongho appeared back in front of him with a cold glare.

"....anyways, this will give you the directions from point A to point B." Jongho says, handing over a index card to Yunho.

Yunho took it and stares at it. "It's gonna take me a while to get over there." He informs the other.

Jongho scoffs, "No shit. And since you are too fagish to protect yourself, I'm giving you a bottle of mace." He says as he starts digging into his deep coat pockets for the can.

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