
593 35 13

⚠️: kidnapping, violence

"Well, ain't you a fighter." Seonghwa breathes heavily. The loud sobs coming from the boy underneath him were muffled as Seonghwa puts duck tape over the boy's mouth and around his head to make sure it doesn't come loose.

With a harsh tug of the boy's sweaty locks, Hwa snaps the other's head back, forcing the latter to look at him.

"You're my pup's new toy. If he tells me you're making him upset, I'll beat you. If he tells me you're hurting him, I'll torture you until you beg for death..
You're mine now too. Now shut the fuck up or I'll stab you again!" Seonghwa growls out.

Hwa had just got yunho a new friend. Only problem is this friend is quite strong and could over power his pup. And he's not naive as his pup.

But he's not stronger then Seonghwa.

This male he found was Lee Jeno, 18. Seonghwa found him walking alone at a park late at night. By the looks of him he looked like a perfect play toy for yunho. He looks extremely gentle and friendly but when Seonghwa was finally able to lay hands on him is when he noticed the problem.

He's extremely strong and has a mouth on him that could get him killed. But Seonghwa couldn't let him go. Once he catches someone he doesn't let them go.

But this is what he wanted. He wanted a fight. He hasn't had one in a long while since he had first gotten yunho. He wanted someone to be difficult with him. It's more fun that way..

Seonghwa stabbed him in the thigh once again so he couldn't run off if he tried.

The older didn't say anything else to the crying boy. He duck taped his wrist and his ankles before picking him up and putting him in his truck.

The ride home was quiet besides the muffled screaming and crying.

Once home, Seonghwa carried the boy around the house to the back door that goes into his lab. As much he didn't want to take care of this boy he had to clean the blood and dirt off of him to make him presentable for yunho.

The older filled a small bucket with soap and warm water and placed a clean rag inside. He found this infuriating just looking at this boy who was not his pup.

With the damp warm rag, seonghwa started wiping the boy's face clean. He then took the edge of the duck tape and gently started pulling it off his face.

He could tell the boy was about to scream when he felt him take in a deep breath. "If you scream, I can promise you won't like what I will do."

Jeno swallowed thickly as tears kept running down his red cheeks. He never thought that he would ever end up like this. He didn't understand why this guy had to take him out of anyone else in the world.

Now, he's this guys dog's toy. He was so confused on what he means by that. Did he take someone else too?

He got goosebumps when this guy came into contact with his neck with the rag. He had so many questions but was too scared to ask but he did want to know one thing at least, "w-who is Pup..?" Jeno says quietly.

He watches this guy's face that was stone cold become softer, "My baby." his eyes darkened as he glared coldly at the poor boy. He didn't say anything else after that.

Jeno hopes that this "pup" wasn't like this guy. He's honestly petrified of this man. He wanted to go home. He wanted his mom and his kitty.

After seonghwa cleaned him up he put some of Yunho's clothes on him. They fit the boy perfectly since he was much broader than yunho.

The black haired looked at his clock on the wall.

12:34 am.

Yunho was asleep at this time and doesn't want to wake him. The older looks back at jeno. "You're going in the basement for tonight. You'll come out at some point tomorrow."

Jeno didn't want to go into any basement. He was scared of the dark. "Please! D-don't put me down there!" He pleaded.

Seonghwa laughs, "that's too damn bad. You're going down there." The male picks up jeno and takes him to the solid door.

At this point jeno was scratching at seonghwa's arms and kicking him, "PUT ME DOWN!" He yells.

Seonghwa managed to open the heavy door with one hand and hold jeno in the other.

The black haired male stared at the boy with no emotions. This frighten the boy causing him to stop his actions.

"I'm sorry.. p-ple-"

Seonghwa shoved him down the flight of steps and shut the door, locking it.

He looks down at his arms that had multiple scratch mark on them. He couldn't wait to show yunho his gift.

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