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⚠️: mentions of rape, light gore

The boy's ears perked up to the sudden sound of keys jingling and a female laughing.

"Your home is...strangely beautiful.." the female's voices boomed off the walls. "Thank you." Seonghwa's voice said.

Yunho was peaking around the corner to catch a glimpse of this girl.

He didn't like how seonghwa would push her hands away off of him but she will still touch him anyways.

Seonghwa notices yunho and waves him over.

"Seulgi, this is yunho. Yunho, this seulgi." Seonghwa says as he stares intensely at the brunette. He notices a bruise forming under his jaw. The only thing he could speculate is that jeno and him were fighting. This wasn't the first bruise he's seen on his lover anyways.

And they always appear on him whenever he leaves.

"Hi seulgi! You're very beautiful to see in person." Yunho smiles softly at the girl who he could tell was confused about his mod.

"Awe, thank you. You're pretty too. Especially with your cute ears and tail on." Seulgi didn't think she'll meet someone with a puppy play kink in her life. But here she is..

"Mm thank you.." yunho eyed up the girl and she was pretty. But she'll be better without hands if she kept touching his man..

"Hey seulgi, I need to talk to yunho about something real quick, just stay in the kitchen for a minute please." Seonghwa says as he grabs yunho by the arm and drags him into the livingroom.

"Is there something wrong, hwa?" Yunho mumbles quietly to the older.

"Yeah, there is. Where the fuck did that come from?" Seonghwa pokes the boy's jaw lightly causing the younger to hiss in pain.

"You ass.." yunho whines as he gently rubs his jaw.

"I'm being serious.."

Yunho looks up at seonghwa, "Jeno punched me in the face.." the older was shaking in anger, "when I get my hands on him that's fucking it. I didn't like that little shit since I first got him."

Yunho caresses seonghwa's arm, "calm down, baby.. you're literally getting worked up over nothing." Yunho spoke softly.

"This isn't fucking nothing. He's been beating on you. He had to have been. Every time I left for work I get this weird feeling leaving you home with him. But this just proves my feelings I had."

Seonghwa was so upset with himself. This was his fault this happened to yunho. He knew jeno was going to be too much for yunho and didn't do anything about it.

"He would hit me every once in a while when I would piss him off but there's nothing you can do about it, baby." Seonghwa looks at him confused.

"What do you mean I can't?" The older asks.

"He's dead. I killed him. He broke his promise on not laying his hands on me again. I warned him, darling. As he was dying he told me he loved me.. you don't beat on people you love. It makes me sick just thinking about how he would treat me like he did when all I did was take care of him.." yunho said with pain in his voice.

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