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⚠️: mentions of abuse and kidnapping. Character death.

Once yunho finally found the perfect blanket which was an all white fluffy but extremely thick and heavy blanket for her to use he was going to walk back into the lab but was stopped by Jeno.

"What are you doing?" Jeno asks.

"Preparing a room for a temporary guest."

Jeno was weary about what he meant by that, "what do you mean temporary guest? Is this Seonghwa's new victim? Why are you allowing him to get awa-"

"Jeno! Shut the fuck up for two seconds!" Yunho was getting irritated with his lovers name constantly coming out of the boy's mouth.

The young boy swallows thickly before looking down, "I'm sorry, yunho.." he mutters.

"I have something to do but you can follow along and listen as I explain what's going to be happening these next few days, okay?" Yunho watches as the timid boy play with his fingers.

"Yes, yunho.."

"Good. Now follow me into the lab." Yunho says as he opens the door to the with his free hand. Jeno walks in before yunho and waits.

"This temporary guest is my doing, as I want to have my own child with seonghwa. And I know what you're thinking, "you two are both guys" well yeah. But seonghwa.. my Hwa is able to give me my blessing of having our own child together." Yunho says as he walks down a narrow hall to a see a row of cell like kennels.

"This is insane! Why would you want a child with him?! There's way better out there than him!" Jeno can't fathom how yunho can do this to himself. Even he was way better for yunho then seonghwa!

Yunho unlocks one of the four kennel doors and walks inside, "I'm sure there is, but no one else is seonghwa. And I want a baby with him because I love him so much, and I know he's not gonna be with me forever. It would be fortunate if he was. But Hwa.. he's done so much that I can't save him from it. Everyday is a blessing with him.." the brunette's heart sank every time he thought about this.

But that's what happened when you love a killer...

Jeno watches as yunho folds the blanket into a pallet on the floor.
He doesn't feel bad for seonghwa but yunho, he's a victim either he knows it or not.

It's sad to see that yunho fell in love with his captor and now is doing something awful to get his way to keep his captor in his life.

He knows yunho understands that seonghwa will get caught eventually. But is in denial that he's a victim himself.

"Yunho.. you don't deserve to be locked in this house 24/7. You don't get to go anywhere. I hate to say this to you but I can remember who you are now.. when I first met you here I noticed you looked so familiar but I couldn't remember from where.. but now I do.. you're that missing boy from Caroline Drive. You're face is posted everywhere."

Yunho laughs, "I'm not missing. I literally got into seonghwa's truck willingly. He tried to take me home but my parents didn't want me back home cause I'm too much trouble. I've been living with seonghwa since. They just want me back home so they can continuously yell at me for running away from home then have my dad beat me for doing so. Fuck them."

"But if you weren't kidnapped. Then where's my justice at? He literally kidnapped me just for you! God knows how you convinced him to do that.. you can stay here but I'm not! I don't care how much you wanted someone cause you were bored with being here alone. I don't deserve this!" Jeno yells at the boy on the floor.

Yunho smiles to himself as he smooths out the blanket, "then leave. The door is right there."

Jeno looks at him with wide eyes, "are you being serious? I can really leave?!"

"Yeah. But you got 5 seconds before the back door locks itself, hurry!" Yunho jokes as he stands up and picks up a dog bowl to fill it up with water from the sink in the main lab.

Yunho watches as jeno runs out the cell and down the hall, he was walking behind him holding back his laughter.

When jeno got to the door he immediately try to turn the knob that won't budge, "Oh no.. yunho, it won't open!" Jeno had tears in his eyes. He was so close..

Jeno turns around when he hears yunho howling in laughter, "What so funny?!"

Yunho catches his breath and sighs, "did you really think it had a set time on it?"

"..but you said it did.." Jeno balls his hands into fist. He was pissed that yunho would lie to him like that for his own silly entertainment.

"As soon as seonghwa walks out one of these doors they lock immediately behind him. I just wanted to see if you will fall for it." Yunho says as he watches jeno walk towards him.

"You're gonna hit me over a little prank, baby jeno?" Yunho teases him.

The boy was fuming. "Don't fucking call me that! I'm not you're damn baby, you crazy bitch!"

Yunho notices the sink about to over flow with water and turned it off.

"Please don't! I'm sorry!" Yunho fake cries as jeno storms over to him and raises his fist up at him.

"Don't say sorry.. you deserve this."

Jeno did punch yunho in the jaw but yunho was able to turn away before he was to hit him again.

Yunho grabs jeno by his hair and forces his head into the filled sink, drowning him.

After a minute of fighting with yunho, Jeno was able to push Yunho away from him somehow and was able to lift his head out the water to breathe again as he was coughing up water violently.

"I don't think you remember when I told you to not hit me again. I don't tolerate such things. But you said you wanted to fucking leave didn't you? I'll gladly give you your damn wish!" Yunho growls out when he takes the broken knife from earlier and plunges it into Jeno's chest.

Jeno looks into yunho eyes, "yunho, I l-love you.. please.." he croaks out.

"Fuck you." Yunho says in disgust before he pulled the broken knife out of jeno and stabbed him once more in the neck.

"Even seonghwa has never raised his fist at me and beat on me. You can lay there and die, stupid bitch." Yunho takes the dog dish and takes it to the back to the kennel before leaving jeno alone on the floor to die as he walked out the lab.

Yunho was disgusted to have his blood all over him. He went to take a much needed shower.

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