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Seonghwa was tired as fuck when he walked through the door around 11pm. He knows Yunho's wouldn't let him in the bed unless he showered first.

But something told him to go into the living room..

When he did, he notices his coffee table wasn't a table no more and was just the frame. And everything that was on the table was placed on one of his end tables beside his sofa.

He was livid. The first thing that came to his mind was jeno getting into a fight with yunho and the table got broken in the process.

Seonghwa became tense when he felt arms snake around his waist. But he relaxes when it turns out to just be yunho. "Hi baby.. oh, I'm sorry about your table.. Me and Rosie shattered it when we was playing with a ball in the house and I knocked it over." Yunho lied.

"It's okay. Just watch out next time, you could have gotten severely hurt." Seonghwa turns in the boy's hold. Yunho's hair was all over the place and  his cheeks were blushed, "did you just wake up?" The older asks.

Yunho nods as he leans his head against Seonghwa's broad chest. He wishes he could go to work with Hwa instead of being here with jeno. He loves taking care of him and everything but his mouth.. it sometimes makes him want to strangle the boy himself some days.

"Where's jeno?"

"In the guest bedroom. That's where I've been putting him to bed this whole time. I didn't want him sleeping on the couch." Yunho says.

Seonghwa leans down an plants a lingering kiss on top of the boy's head between his puppy ears. "I think you'll be the perfect momma for our little one.." he murmured softly against the the boy's head.

yunho looked up at him with a wide smile, "Really?" He hopes he will be. He's taking care of plenty of babies before when he used to work at a daycare facility. He has experience in raising a baby.

"Yes." Seonghwa was getting antsy. He was thinking about it all day. He wanted nothing more than to give yunho his new mod so he could have time to heal.

He just has one thing to get before he could start.

"Hwa.. I'm so excited. Not so much for the recovery time, but to have our child means so much to me.." yunho felt so warm and fuzzy inside. He couldn't explain the way he felt about going through all this just to have seonghwa's child but all he knows is that he wanted this. It's something that he wants.

"You won't have to wait much longer. Your gonna have to give me a few more days. But I do have one question.." seonghwa grabs Yunho's hands and intertwining their fingers together.

He normally doesn't hold hands with yunho but it does feel nice when he does.

"What is it, baby?" Yunho asked.

"Do you want to meet her?"

The puppy male raises an eyebrow at the other. "Who's her? Cause if you have a girlfriend behind my back I won't be so happy with you.."

Seonghwa never seen yunho look so.. sinister.. before. Even with his puppy additions, it made the hairs stand on the back of his neck.

"I- no, we're not dating. She's your donor for your new mod." The older states.

Yunho gave him a look, "donor? I know she didn't agree to this. Am I right?"

Seonghwa swallows thickly, "Yes, but I'm doing this for us, darlin.." he smiles awkwardly. This was the first time he has mentioned something about premeditated murder with his lover.

He didn't want to lose yunho because of it..

Yunho releases his hands from seonghwa's and grabs either side of his face, forcing him to look at him.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now