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It's been a few days since Yunho and Seonghwa have had time together.

The older has been extremely busy working hard to finish all his important work for San. He didn't want all the burden dumped on the boy when he gets left in charged with the new colleague he hired, Jung Wooyoung, to help the young male while he was away for a while.

Yunho knows this was important. He never felt like he was unwanted or anything like that with seonghwa being absent at the moment.

Yunho had been home taking care of everything for his lover here. He's been setting everything up that seonghwa needed for his new mod. He was excited for this. His dream is finally coming true..

The younger was looking in a box he had found under their bed while he was cleaning their room. It was a bunch of baby photos and young photos of Seonghwa.

Yunho pouts as he found one with seonghwa crying in a flowering field. He was so adorable when he was young.

As yunho was looking through the decent stack of photos he notices something off about them.

Every photo was of him upset, crying, or in his own world. Not one of them was of him happy. It was like he was always upset and angry with the world.

He didn't know the meaning behind any one of these but it broke his heart.

His lover has been through so much that it physically pains him to know that he's been suffering like this.

Yunho closes the box and puts them back where he found them. He stood up and took a deep breath.

"YUNHO!" A female voice rung through his dog ears. With a dramatic eye roll and a deep sigh, the boy went to go see what seulgi wanted. This has been the 4th time today she called him. And he doesn't even know why he still listens when he's called.

Bad habits, he guesses..

The boy made his way to seonghwa's lab, when he opens the door he hears her sigh in relief. He walks to the back of the lab to the kennels where he was met with a smirk.

"What do you want?" Yunho sighs. Seulgi looks at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "you know.. Seonghwa has did something really bad.. I don't know if I should even tell you." She looks down at her hands.

"What could he have possibly done that I don't know about already?" The boy stands closer to the bars. He was intrigued on what she had to say.

The unfortunate woman before him stood up so the two were face to face, "he fucked me real good last night while you were asleep. I'm surprised my moaning didn't wa-" yunho reached his hand through the bars and forced seulgi's neck against one of the many bars, choking her.

"If I didn't need your lively organs I would have killed you already just for saying something fucked like that. But I know my Seonghwa like the back of my hand.." yunho grabs her by her jaw forcing her to look at him, "He would NEVER betray me like that, definitely not with a dirty bitch like yourself nor with any female." Yunho spoke lowly.

Seulgi cries loudly in pain as yunho digs his nails in her skin. "I-I'm sorry! Pl-please!!" She wails.

"You better be lucky I don't know where he put the keys. Cause if I did.. you'll be nothing but a-" Yunho's dog ears twitches at the sound of movement behind him. Releasing seulgi, he turns around to see who it was.

He broke down crying, "Hwa.." he mutters, wrapping his arms around his lovers waist, crying into his chest.

Seonghwa signals yunho to wrap his arms around his neck so he could pick him up. The boy clings to him like a koala securing his legs around the older's waist.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now