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Yunho was having a hard time dealing with the other night's events playing through his head on repeat.

Seonghwa hitting him for the first time in a violent manner. He has never seen him so angry at him before and he's done a lot of things that got Seonghwa mad but not like that.

His first taste of human blood..

He's trying so hard to be disgusted by the fact he did that but he can't strip the feeling of pure euphoric bliss he got from it. It was like he was high but the feeling was quickly stripped from him.

Seonghwa was out for the time being. He took the kitten to the vets just in case anything was wrong with her and to get her started on her vaccinations and such.

It was just him and Rosie laying in the bed together cuddling. "Your daddy makes me want to snap his neck sometimes but I can't help but love him unfortunately. It's unfortunate because I know he's a very terrible person but I still want him no matter what he's done. And you can't help it because he's all you ever known.. and we have abandonment issues." He says softly, only to earn a paw slap on his chest and Rosie grumbling at him.

Yunho rolls his eyes at the sassy pup and sat upright in the bed. He hissed in pain when he went to rub his face. His whole head was throbbing in pain all of a sudden. "Fucking hell.." he whimpers as he got out the bed and went to the bathroom.

He looks at himself in the mirror and sighs heavily. He had a huge hand print shaped bruise from his left cheek all the way into his hairline and then a small dark purple bruise on the bridge of his nose. No swelling just bruising, very painful bruising..

"Fucking hwa.." he mumbles out.

Yunho started to space out the longer he looked at himself in the mirror. The only playing in his mind was the beautiful crimson leaking from her head onto his hands, bringing his fingers to his lips and it would cut off but play on repeat in his mind.

He was still for about five minutes in his thoughts when he was snapped out of it from his phone going off.

He took his sweet time to make it back to the room. Once the phone was about to cut off he finally picked it up off the nightstand and answered it.

"Hi baby, so I'm at the vets and everything went well and she's very healthy. The only problem is that she doesn't have a name. What do you want to name her?" Seonghwa's soft voice rung through his ears. He didn't realize he was crying as he was listening to him, "c-can we name her.. Aurora?" He was fine with Seonghwa not wanting to name her that.

"Aurora? That's pretty. We can name her that. But.. hey, are you crying?" The older sounded concerned.

"N-no.." he lies.

"You know, I can tell when you had been or are crying. You literally don't have to lie to me. What's wrong?"

There was a moment of silence between them besides shuffling from Seonghwa's end.

"Why are you upset?" Seonghwa asks him again. The boy was fine this morning when he left. He doesn't understand why he would be upset all of a sudden. "Is it because I hit you yesterday? I'm very sorry for doing that to you. I don't like the thought of my hands being used for violence towards you." He said. Only to receive sniffling and light sobs.

Yunho knows why he's crying but he can't tell Seonghwa why.. he would probably hit him again.

"I'm just f-frustrated.. it's something I don't u-understand. I don't know.. but be gentle with her, I can hear her crying in the background." Yunho grumbles out the last part.

Seonghwa hums to himself before responding, "I am being gentle! She just showing out because she's back in her carrier for her safety. She's very needy but I understand that she's just a baby."

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now