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"Good morning, Mr.Park. I'm sorry to bother you right now, but someone is here for you." Wooyoung, seonghwa's new apprentice says loudly when he busted through his office door.

This new apprentice was something else. It was like yunho times 8 and will give a headache from hell just by talking to you. But he was hard worker and was perfect for San to handle.

Seonghwa looks up from his computer and stares at the boy, "who is it?" He asks with no emotion at all.

"Some guy name "Song Mingi" and he's a hot officer too..!" Wooyoung whisper yelled to his boss that last part.  His boss didn't laugh at that. The bouncy boy chuckled awkwardly when seonghwa glared at him.

"Sorry.." he mutters.

The black haired male's lip twitched in anger, he fucking should have remembered that this was one of the two officers that were from that video about yunho being missing.

"Bring him in.."

Wooyoung nods happily before leaving his office, just to bust open the door again forcefully causing it to bang against his wall.

"Wooyoung. You need to stop doing that every time you come in here or it's gonna be your ass that's gonna fix any holes in my walls!" Seonghwa threatened the young boy before him.

Wooyoung sighs loudly dramatically, "I'm sorry, OKAY?!"

If there wasn't an officer standing right here in front of him he would have chucked his metal stabler at this kid's head for talking to him like that.

"If you don't get your ass out my office.."

Wooyoung whines, "Fine. I love you too, boss!" And blew a kiss at seonghwa before he slammed the door shut behind him.

Mingi looks at seonghwa surprised by the boy's unprofessionalism at a funeral home.

"He's new. Please, have a seat." The older directs the shy officer in a arm chair in front of him. In which the faux blonde complies.

"You're here under the circumstances of your grandmother, correct?" The older glanced at him as he started getting the paperwork together for the male.

The officer nods, "Y-yeah.. as I have told you over the phone, she's not doing very well. Her body is starting to go into organ failure due to her old age and we don't know how much longer we have with her. So we wanted to have everything payed in full for her funeral if she was to pass. we don't want to stress about it later." He says.

Seonghwa nods as he hands him a thick packet, "I understand."

Mingi was surprised about all the paperwork. But he understands that there's a lot that goes into it.

"These are my policies and the process the first 4 pages. This is to fill out your information and your grandmother's. You don't have to fill out any of her death information until she actually passes. But as you go through this packet of how you want your grandmother's remains processed and what you would like at the funeral and caskets, etc. You're welcome to bring whatever you would like also. There will be prices by everything so you know what you're paying for with my services." Seonghwa says as he guides Mingi through the packet.

"There's no hidden fees, so what you see is what you're going to pay. If you have any questions please ask if you need help filling out something or if you don't understand something. But I'll be right back in a moment, please take your time." The funeral director stands up from his desk and exits his office giving the male a moment.

Mingi looks around this guy's office. He gets a off putting vibe in here. He had taxidermy on the walls and animal skulls in glass cases in a display case. Like his whole office he just nothing but a reminder of death.

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