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He stood there and watched as everyone filed out of the funeral hall into the parking lot to leave. That's until he found who he was looking for..

Park Seonghwa, leaving the building and getting into his black truck before he started the truck up and began to leave as well.

That was his cue to follow the truck but kept enough distance from it to be unrecognizable.

He managed to follow him until he watched as seonghwa pulled onto a long dirt road, deep, in a isolated wooded area. "This must be where he lives.." Jongho says to himself. Now that he knew where seonghwa lives he was going to try and see if yunho was there.

He misses him so much..

The blonde rests his head against the steering wheel and started to cry softly.

Yunho would have never been missing if he didn't send him. There's a lot that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him. He could have been so much better to yunho..

Regret and guilt eats him up everyday since that day. He won't ever forgive himself. But he hopes yunho can forgive him.. he really does.

Jongho sits up straight and wipes his tears with his hoodie sleeve, "fuck.."

He wanted to go up in there so bad just to check to see if yunho was there. But he didn't know Seonghwa like that. He doesn't know what he's capable of either.

And if he did have yunho, who knows what he'll do if he found Jongho in his house..

Jongho started his car and began his journey back home to think of a plan and if he didn't, he didn't know what he was going to do..

He was going to find yunho..


Yunho was snuggled up against Rosie in his shared bed, taking a nap. He's been hanging out with Rosie while ignoring seulgi's yelling for him to come to her all day since hwa was at work today.

Yunho and Rosie's ears perked up to the sound of doors opening and closing then footsteps coming closer to the bedroom.

Rosie started whining in excitement, sitting up in the bed wagging her tail, waiting for her owner to open the door.

As soon as the bedroom door opens and she seen it was her daddy, she started whimpering and barking loudly.

Seonghwa chuckles softly as he walks over to the bed to hold Rosie in his arms. He picked up the small golden and nuzzles his face against her fluffy cheek. "I miss you too, my sweet baby.." he says to her as she whines in his ear.

Yunho sat up in the bed and smiles softly at the two. Rosie was Seonghwa's baby. She hasn't got to spend really any time with him recently cause he's been so busy.

It warms his heart to watch his lover reassure his puppy that he wasn't going to leave her and give her all the forehead kisses she truly deserves.

As soon as seonghwa put her down back on the bed, she was full of energy by all dem kisses. She started bouncing all over the bed and even roughly booped yunho in the chest before running off the bed, jumping around the room.

The younger giggles at her playful actions, "She's just the sweetest pup ever.." yunho says. "She really is.. but come here, darling.." Seonghwa whines out. He's been waiting for this day to come.

He's officially home for 2 months.

Yunho climbed off the bed to get to him. When he was close enough to him, Seonghwa pulls him into his chest and holds him there.

The pink haired kisses the boy's temple, "I've been waiting to see you all day.." he murmurs against the boy's skin.

Yunho slips his hands up Seonghwa's shirt, caressing his waist. "I know, baby.. but I know you're tired, honey, but you need a shower." He says taking off his lover's shirt.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now