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"Yunho! Can you bring me my phone and answer it for me- wait, who is it first?!" Seonghwa yells out from the living room. His hands were a bit messy from the glue he was using. He was piecing together the fox skeleton he had back together.

The puppy boy comes running into the living room, phone ringing in his hand, "It's San!"He says loudly.

"Take the call for me then." Seonghwa says as he was holding one of the many teeth still in the bottom mandible of the fox as he waits for it to dry a bit.

"Okay." Yunho answers the phone and brings it to his ear, "what do you want?" He says.

"Huh.. you're not Dr.Park. Wait- are you his fiancé?!" This was the first time San and yunho have talked to each other. They haven't even met yet.

"Yeah, that's me. Are you guys doing okay? Seonghwa told me that he only wanted y'all to call if something was up." Yunho was a bit concerned.

Seonghwa looks up at yunho from his spot.
Yunho puts it on speaker for seonghwa to listen.

"W-well, yes and no. I forgot how seonghwa works this old machine and I don't want to touch it and mess something up. Because he always did the main embalming for us and this is extremely different from what I'm used to."

The older raised an eyebrow, "so... how were you guys embalming this past week then if neither of you know how to work my machine?" He thought San said he knew how to work one.

San laughs nervously on the other line when he heard Seonghwa's voice, "We didn't.. we did everything else but that. We did 2 organic services so far without a problem. But I rather do it the traditional embalming way and what I know best. Like I know how to embalm and use the modern machine but yours is extremely vintage."

"Okay. I'll be down there in a few." Seonghwa stood up and sighed loudly.

"WAIT! Can you bring your fiancé I would like to meet him, if you don't mind.." San asks. Not soon after you hear a loud scream coming from SAN's end, "DR. PARK, CAN YOU PLEASE LET US SEE HIM. I WOULD KILL SOMEONE JUST TO SEE WHO HAS BEEN KISSING UP ON YOU!" Wooyoung yells into the phone causing yunho to laugh loudly.

"I'll go with him. I would like to meet the people taking care of my honey's business for him." He spoke softly to the two.

"I'm already in love with you already and we haven't met yet. Gosh- life is so unfair!" Wooyoung whines.

Yunho chuckles as he gets a glare sent to him from his one and only. "Alright, I'll see you two in a bit." Before they could say bye, Yunho hung up the phone, following seonghwa to there bedroom.

"Is he always that chaotic?" Yunho asks his lover.

The older gave him a look, "wooyoung, the one that was continuously yelling the whole time.. he's new but yes, he's like that all the time until it's time for a service. That's probably the longest you will see him quiet and not running around the halls. San on the other hand is more respectful and knows boundaries, he's now my assistant manger cause he knows what he's doing and does his job well and how I want it. He also keeps Wooyoung in check when it's needed." Seonghwa says as he pulls his hair back in a small pony tail, bringing a few stray hairs to the front.

"Ah, I see. They seem very nice and hard working. But hwa, what are we going to do about my tail?" Yunho holds his long fluffy tail in front of him.

The older never thought about this being a problem before. "Hm, we should dock it eventually, it will be better to hide it." He says as he finds a over sized hoodie of his and slips it over the boy's head.

"D-dock it?! I don't want that! I love it long and the way it is!" Yunho could cry at the thought of his tail being cut shorter. It will look ugly and unnatural to him.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now