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It was 6am when Seonghwa got out of bed this morning. He actually wasn't planning on waking the boy up cause it could stress out the boy for what's coming next.

Obviously, Seonghwa isn't no surgeon nor does he have access to a variety of equipment for such a procedure. He's a scientist without a degree but only in embalming, funeral directing, and chemistry.

Chemicals are his best friend and knows how much is too little, how much is lethal, and when it's enough. Midazolam being his number one.

[Midazolam- a sedative drug that is used commonly as an anesthesia to produce loss of consciousness before and during surgery. Mainly used in only ICU settings. Can be life threatening in the wrong hands.]

He already had planned that he was gonna make Yunho unconscious before he brought him downstairs.

Seulgi was unfortunately already dead. She passed away in the middle of the night due to complications of her broken jaw pressing against her trachea, asphyxiating her. Seonghwa had to stay up to harvest her organs and tediously remove her eggs to preserve them for the dna switch, which would be a later on procedure after yunho has healed. He also store them on ice before they started to decay.

He probably had 2 hours of sleep max.

Seonghwa was starting to feel terrible when he grabbed the bottle of chloroform from his nightstand along with a rag. He didn't want to hurt his baby.. but this is what yunho wanted. He also wanted this.

He poured quite a bit of the chloroform on the rag before recapping the bottle and placing it back on his nightstand.

Yunho was sleeping so peacefully. The older walked to the other side of the bed and carefully moved Yunho's arm away from his face. "I'm sorry, baby.." he whispers as he places the soaked rag over the boy's nose and mouth.

Yunho never reacted besides his golden ears twitching to the sound of seonghwa moving to a more comfortable position cause it was going to take a minute.

The older kinda wished that the boy would react more cause he's only breathing in so little of chloroform with every breath that it takes longer for him to become unconscious.

After a minute or two yunho finally goes limp. Seonghwa puts the rag on the boy's nightstand. He pushes back the covers to reveal his sleeping beauty. Yunho has always been extremely beautiful to him.

The black hair scooped the unconscious boy in his arms and carries him out the room and into his lab.

Once in the lab Seonghwa places him on the sterile metal table. All of Yunho's clothes has to come off. But luckily the boy only had shorts on so it wasn't much of a task.

Seonghwa now had to hook the boy to an IV to start administrating the midazolam injection through the IV in 1mg every 30 seconds so he doesn't overdose the boy.

He already had this all prepared last night except for injecting Yunho with the iv port cause he went to bed early last night. Seonghwa washes his hands before putting gloves on. Making sure he keeps things clean and sterilized. He turns the boy's arm over and sterilizes his forearm with alcohol then proceeds to inject Yunho's main vein with a needle iv port, making sure to tape it down so yunho wouldn't pull it out.

After he flushes the port with saline he attaches the iv drip to the port and starts the midazolam injection along with other general anesthesia drugs.

While he's waiting for the drug to affect the bloodstream. He has to place a foley catheter in the boy. This ensures that the bladder stays empty and the operation is clean and sterile.

After, He starts to prepare Yunho's skin for the first incision. He takes iodine and a cotton bud and sterilizes a good portion of the boy's lower abdomen. He grabs his scalpel and starts making his first cut.


It was around 12:45pm when he was done with the surgery. It went surprisingly well. Way better then the last time he's done it. He did leave Yunho's IV in so he can keep giving fluids and administer pain medication to him as needed. He also managed to get yunho back into their bed without jostling him around much. He did make sure to put freshly clean sheets and a comforter on the bed beforehand.

All Yunho's levels were good. Seonghwa couldn't have been happier with the results.

The older was napping beside the other when he felt something hitting his shoulder. He sat up to find yunho wide awake and in a prissy mood. He honestly thought yunho was going to stay asleep for awhile so he could get some type of sleep.

"I could kill you right now. I'm hungry as fuck and you didn't even tell me you were going to start the mod. You just did it without me even waking up." Yunho crossed his arms having a moment.

Seonghwa wasn't surprised by the boy's response. He can tell the boy wasn't in any discomfort which is good that just means the pain medication were working.

"I know... I'm sorry, baby. I just didn't want to wake you up and cause you to freak out. But I also don't want you to just eat anything at the moment cause I don't want you to puke. I'll get you a snack or something." Seonghwa says as he rubs his eyes and slowly climbed out the bed.

Yunho watches as Seonghwa left the room. He was curious on what his new scar looks like. He lifted up the covers an notices a approximately 3 inch bandage on his lower abdomen. He was about to pull off the bandage to see but jumped when he heard Seonghwa yell at him.

"You better not fuck with it!"

The puppy boy whines, "hwa~" the older presses a tender kiss on the boy's forehead before he handed him his snack and a glass of apple juice.

"Shut up and eat your snack. Here's the tv remote. Now, I'm going to take a nap. Also for the love of god don't touch your incision. I don't want you to irritate it or anything. Don't even look at it... I love you." Seonghwa says as he crawls back into bed with his back facing the other.

Yunho smiles as he gently rubs the other's clothed back as he ate his snack. All he knows is that he loves this man with every single fiber in his body, " I love you too, honey."

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