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"MINGI! What are you doing?!" Officer Kim yells at his colleague. Mingi was scribbling all over their missing persons board with a red sharpie.

The faux blonde was in his zone, "Hang on.. there-" Mingi says as he stands back to show his new finding.

Hongjoong was confused on what he was looking at, "what's this?" It was just a bunch of red circles on the map they had displayed.

The younger points to the red circle that starts at the Jeong household. "I started my k9 search here, the Jeong residents. They gave me a shirt that had the boy's scent on it and I had my k9 do a search of the area.

He led me to the end of the neighborhood, all the way to a funeral home. But the trail stops in the parking lot of the funeral home. But yunho was no where near around or close to the building. Meaning yunho had to have gotten picked up from that location." Mingi states.

He thinks yunho must have ran away from home to start a new.

Hongjoong nods at the males recent findings.

"Do you think yunho ran away? He has a history of being a runaway and not returning home for long periods of time. But I honestly think he ran away for good this time." The older says.

Mingi looks at the other, "so far that's all we can say that's what happened until we can find other evidence that says otherwise. Unless someone comes through with substantial information. This is all that we got right now."

Officer Kim had a gut feeling that this wasn't the case. But with no evidence he had nothing to rule out that this wasn't a runaway case.

"I'll tell boss the news of the case. I just really hope this is just a runaway case. But until we find him, we won't know for sure." Hongjoong sighs.


Jongho was on edge. He seen that the news made a report on an update of Yunho's case. And they're declaring it as a runaway for now.

Jongho knows that's this isn't a runaway. He swears that yunho was kidnapped or murdered that night. And all he could think about how it was his fault that this happened to him.

He was gonna to find out where that stupid son of bitch lives. He knows that Mars has something to do with it. He was the last one with yunho. Mars confirmed being with the boy at the time of his disappearance.

He really didn't want to involve the cops with his information just yet. He wasn't a fan of them anyways..

"You'll be home soon.. just give me time." Yunho's been sitting heavy on his mind and it's driving him crazy.

He hopes yunho was still alive, and when they meet again yunho will remember him.

Yunho would be home sooner if he didn't have beef with the cops on duty of this case. But if he didn't find where this Mars guy lives he was gonna bring the cops involved and tell them what he found on his own.

He knows he's stupid for keeping important information away from the cops as this was extremely serious but he wanted to fix this on his own.

But he doesn't know how much longer he could handle this..

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now