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"Jeong Yunho, 19 of Caroline Drive has been reported missing today. His family wasn't concerned at first when he first went missing as he was reported to have a history of being a runway on his records. The Jeong family said that, "He's never been away for this long and always came back home within a week." It has now been 5 weeks since the young man went missing. If you have any information or seen any whereabouts of Jeong Yunho, please call these numbers on the screen. You can stay anonymous but anything will help to bring Yunho home." A female news reported says before a recent image of yunho pops up on Seonghwa's phone.

He had AirPods in as he was listening to the news. He was in the same room as yunho when he seen the amber alert pop up on his phone. He wanted to know what they did so far.

By the looks of it, barely scratching the surface.

It's a shame that Yunho's family waited 5 weeks to report him missing.

But he wanted to tell yunho something first..

"Pup, come here. I wanna talk to you about something very important." Seonghwa says to the boy playing with his Rosie.

Yunho immediately stops what he was doing and goes to the male. "Yes, hwa?"

Seonghwa notices the bandage holding Yunho's tail was coming off and his tail was wagging slowly. His ears on the other hand looks like they were fully healed now.

He wanted to tell yunho about his modifications. He couldn't believe he finally had the best outcome from this experiment so far. Yunho was already so obedient and so willing to do right by him, that this whole time yunho never touched his mods nor seen them yet.

"Have a seat."

Yunho sits down by seonghwa on the black sofa. He was kinda nervous about what seonghwa wanted to talk to him about.

Did he do something wrong?

Was seonghwa going to leave him?

He didn't want that. He loves being with seonghwa even if he's a little moody about things.

The black haired raised an eyebrow when yunho bursts into a sobbing mess on top of him, clinging onto him for dear life.

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! I-I'm sorry if I did anything w-wrong! I promise I'll be better. I l-love you, Seonghwa.. please don't leave me..!" He cries hysterically into male's chest.

Seonghwa sighed. He couldn't wait to stop giving yunho this medication. He thinks it's it driving the boy emotionally unstable.

But yunho loves him?
This was the first time he said that.

Seonghwa didn't know what love feels like to know if he loves yunho too..

"You didn't do anything wrong and I'm not leaving and you're not going anywhere, I promise." The older spoke softly to the crying boy.

Yunho pulls away from his chest and grabs both sides of seonghwa's head with his hands. The boy stares into the other's dark brown orbs intensely.

He hopes seonghwa wasn't lying to him. He would do anything to be with him. Seonghwa was his and he loves how he treats him so nicely even if he didn't understand certain things about his emotions.

There was so much yunho could say about the male in front of him.

"You promise now but promises are meant to be broken. You're gonna leave me one day. It drives me crazy just thinking about it.. You're mine Seonghwa.. that's the part I need you to understand."

Seonghwa could tell the boy was being serious about what he said.

"I understand, pup. I really do." The black haired takes Yunho's hands off his face and holds them in his hands.

He notices yunho calming down, until he was just sitting there quietly playing with Seonghwa's hands with a small smile on his face.

His chest burns just by watching him.

"Okay.. I have something to tell you. You can be mad all you want at me- so first thing, you know how i banned you from touching the spots on your body that aches sometimes?"

Yunho nods. He did a really good job of not touching them since seonghwa told him not too. It was hard but he managed to do it.

"That's because I have attached dog ears and a tail on to you without your permission." Seonghwa just flat out tells him. He can't keep it a secret from him. It literally impossible since it's his own body it's attach to.

Yunho looks at him with wide eyes. How the fuck could that even happen?! He didn't know how Seonghwa was able to do that cause he couldn't remember anything.

"I can't believe you did that and didn't even ask me!" Yunho yells at Seonghwa.

"First, that's insane. Second, how the hell you manage to do anything like that?! I thought you just do taxidermy and work as a mortician- anyway, Only thing that bothers me is that you managed to knock me out to perform this on me but didn't ask for my consent first." Yunho's brain was in overdrive.

Clearly, Seonghwa did more then those two things. To be honest, he was very intrigued by the fact Hwa has insane intelligence to perform such things like this.

But he was also upset that he didn't ask him about it.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you first. But I didn't want to scare you out of the procedure." He lied. He really wanted this. He was extremely proud of this outcome.

Yunho sighs, "it's okay. Just ask me first then we can go about it, please. I don't like the fact of you doing anything else to me without my consent."

Seonghwa felt a slight sting of guilt but it wasn't there for long.

"I promise I will. But I also have to ask you about something else.."

Yunho's raised an eyebrow, "go on.." he didn't want to anymore mods right now. He couldn't deal with that pain again.

"Do you want a friend? Someone to be with you while I'm gone for the day? Cause if you want one, I'll get you one." Seonghwa was in a mood. He wanted someone to bring pain to. He didn't want to hurt yunho.. he couldn't explain why he couldn't but he just can't.

Yunho has thought about it before. When seonghwa leaves it's just him and Rosie. But to have another person would help his loneliness when hwa is at work or gone somewhere.

"It would be nice to have someone else to talk to that's not the dog." Yunho wraps his arms around Seonghwa's waist, laying his head against the male's chest to listen to his heartbeat.

It sounds like his heart would beat out of his chest.

Seonghwa gently starts rubbing the boy's back. It was soothing for him. Just to have yunho close to him enlightens him with these warm feelings he didn't understand.

He like the unknown feelings..


A soft hum comes from the boy.

"What does being in love feel like?"

"Well, it's an extraordinary feeling. Very euphoric, almost like a high you can't come down from. You would do anything for this person, only want them and only them. Like an obsession almost but you're both empathetic and wanting for each other. It's hard to explain but you will realize when you love someone even if you haven't had that feeling before."

"How did you know that you love me?" Seonghwa questions. He was very curious on this matter. He wanted to know if he loved yunho too. But he didn't know much to tell if he did or not.

Yunho smiles to himself, "I just know that I love you. Now, be quiet and hold me."

Seonghwa did just that. He held yunho closer to him until he fell asleep.

Yunho knows Seonghwa doesn't sleep much. Even if his back was hurting him he stay still in thoughts of accidentally waking Hwa up.

He couldn't wait to meet his new friend though.. he hopes they are nice to him and to his Hwa or there's gonna be problems..

𝒮𝑒𝑜𝓃𝑔𝒽𝓌𝒶 𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒..

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now