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"Jeno! Stop wiggling so much!" Yunho says loudly as he holds the boy's jaw to keep him still.

"I'm sorry! Ouch!" Jeno yelps as yunho brushes his black hair. Yunho was tired of seeing the boy's hair all crazy looking and him looking grubby. So he dealt with it himself after he gave Jeno a bath and brushed his hair.

Once Yunho was done, he gave Jeno a peck on the forehead. "You did a good job, baby Jeno." Yunho says as he got up from where he was sitting on the couch to put away his hair brush back in the bathroom.

He took a good look at himself in the mirror.

His hair as gotten longer and he honestly looked more healthy and less bony then what he used to be before he lived with seonghwa. He's more soft looking now.

He honestly likes the way he looks now..

Yunho left the bathroom and went back to the boy who was just sitting there in his thoughts.

"Are you okay, Jeno?" Yunho asks softly.

"Yeah.. I'm okay."

The older didn't believe him. "No you're not. Please, tell me what's wrong?" Yunho sat next to jeno and held his right hand in his.

Jeno looks at boy nervously, "seonghwa hurts me. Earlier today, he strangled me in the hallway, to the point where I was literally gasping for air and my head was on fire after he let me go for finding out I was in places I shouldn't be when I was in the basement. I'm so scared of him, yunho! I don't want to be here no more! He physically and mentally abuses me when you're not around- I'm sick of it! I just want to go h-home.." jeno started sobbing into his hands.

At first yunho didn't believe him until he finally notice a bruise around his neck and started to notice small bruises and cuts on the boy's body. He felt extremely bad for not believing him in the first place.

"I'm sorry he did this to you, honey.. but I can't let you leave.." yunho says gently as he tucks a piece of Jeno's black hair behind his ear.

"W-why not?! I wanna go home, yunho!" Jeno cries. "H-he would let me leave i-if you ask him! p-please.."

Yunho smiles ghostly, caressing the back of the boy's head as he cried loudly. "You're mine, baby Jeno. I don't want you to leave yet. I love taking care of you. I know seonghwa isn't the best to you but that's why I'm here.." he spoke calmly.

Jeno hit Yunho's arm away from him, "You're just as fucked in the head as he is! You both are fucking insane!" He grits out at the boy.

Yunho eyed jeno as he gets up from his spot and flips Seonghwa's glass table, shattering it.

The boy froze. He didn't mean to break the table he was just overwhelmed with everything that's been going on. "..I'm sorry, yunho. Please d-don't tell him!" Jeno looks at yunho with tears in his eyes. The boy started breathing heavy. He was so scared for his life.

Yunho gets up and pulls the boy in his arms. "It's okay.. I won't tell him. Things like this happens. But don't do it again, please." He begs.

Yunho didn't like that wave of rage he felt when jeno acted like that.

Jeno nods as he hid himself in Yunho's chest, "I'm sorry I hit you.. I didn't mean to.." jeno knows he shouldn't have acted like that towards someone who's done nothing but took care of him and was gentle with him since he's been here.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now