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Yunho was disturbed from his once peaceful nap on the couch by loud banging and Rosie barking. Annoyed, he got up and walked over to answer the door. He went to turn the knob and the door wouldn't open.

It took him a few tries until he remembered that the door only opens for seonghwa. "Fucking hell.." he mumbles to himself as he walks over to the window to see who was outside. His eyes widened when he notices that it was two officers bickering back and forth with each other.

He was actually glad that the door didn't open because how was he going to explain that he was at seonghwa's house this whole time.

Yunho closed the curtain even more annoyed then before. As he turned around, he bumped into a solid figure that was behind him. "Seongh-" he was quickly silenced by Seonghwa's hand cover his mouth, "shut the fuck up." He grits out.

Yunho was furious by this. He nipped at his hand causing the older to quickly remove his hand. "Don't tell me to shut the fuck up, Park!" He glares heavily at the other.

Seonghwa whines, "I'm sorry! But they don't know your here.. and I lied saying that I didn't even know you or where you went.."

"They're gonna think that you kidnapped me. And it's probably because you did."

Seonghwa looks at him with wide eyes, "I-I- no.."

"Did you forget that I have a phone that YOU gave me? It does have access to the internet in case you forgot. I've looked up my name once jeno mentioned something about me being missing. And you lied saying you told my parents that they didn't want me but im pretty sure they would have said that for real. So, I believed you. And you took me home because you could and use me as an experiment. Which first off- rude. Second, you could have just asked instead of knocking my ass out somehow and cutting me without consent. Not surprised by you kidnapping me.. at least someone wanted me.." yunho rolls his eyes.

Seonghwa was shaking as he was very anxious and upset with himself. He didn't know that yunho found out about this and now he doesn't know if yunho actually loved him or is just using him to hide from his parents or both! He really loves yunho and he really hopes that he still loves him the same even after finding out what he's has done.

"I'm s-so sorry.. i wasn't going t-to tell you because you wouldn't l-love me anymore. But if you don't, it's o-okay.." Seonghwa wipes the tears from his cheeks. He was letting his mind go haywire just by assuming this.

The puppy boy sighs softly as he watches his love cry his poor heart out. Yunho cups his face and presses a lingering kiss on his warm forehead. "Stop crying.. you're literally going to make yourself sick, honey." He spoke softly.

"I'm so fucking s-sorry.. for everything I've d-done to you.. y-you don't deserve this." Seonghwa whispers out as he leans into the boy's touch. He couldn't imagine his life without the other.

Yunho can tell this wasn't about the cops finding out about him. This was about him finding out about how he came to be Seonghwa's. He's not mad at the other. Seonghwa brings him nothing but love and comfort. He can't imagine going back home to his family and going through all that pain and suffering it brings. Seonghwa was his home. He's actually grateful that Seonghwa took him away from his family.

"I've forgiven you as soon as I found out. You don't understand that what you did made my life so much better. Without a doubt, I would've have been beaten until I was choking on my own blood by my father for coming through that door as late as it was. I could never go back there without facing the repercussions." Yunho says as he wipes the tears off Seonghwa's face.

He had the cutest frowny face like the ones in those pictures of him when he was a kid. It always melts his heart when seonghwa's sad and makes it extremely obvious.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now