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The puppy boy and his little golden found themselves in the lab snooping around in Seonghwa's things. Why? The boy was searching for the perfect knife to cause harm to his victim being held captive in one of the four back kennels.

"Wah~ look at this one, Rosie! So sharp and shiny.." yunho shows the santoku knife to the dog that was happily wagging her tail at the sight of something shiny.

Yunho's fluffy ears perked up to the sound of sobbing. "You know, Seonghwa would be mad at me if I killed you without him being present.." he says loudly as he gripped the handle of the knife.

"I'm s-so sorry, Yunho! I didn't mean to say w-what I said! P-please.." seulgi cried into her hands as she heard the boy coming closer.

She hates herself for letting her damn mouth get the best of her.

Yunho peers into the kennel with a pout, "Awe, now you're crying cause you want me to have mercy.." he says mocking her.

Seulgi looks up at the boy, looking pitiful. "P-please.. I'm begging you!"

The boy's ears flattened against his head in anger, "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I don't want to hear any of the bullshit! You had the fucking nerve to tell me that my Hwa was talking to females behind my back and trying to fuck around! He'll never do such a thing! And if he did he will be right where you are- You know what.. I'm going to go get him so he can explain himself." Yunho was ready to pull his own hair out cause he was so mad.

It's been driving him crazy with the thought of his seonghwa doing shit behind his back with females.

"NO PLEASE! You don't have to do that!" Seulgi tells him. She didn't want to get into anymore trouble then what she already was in with the puppy male.

"To fucking bad." The boy said before he stormed off with the puppy happily following him up the stairs.


It wasn't long before seonghwa found his way in front of the angry male confused. "What's wrong, ba-" "don't you 'baby' me fucking now. You and that bitch got some explaining to do!" Yunho grabs Seonghwa by his forearm and starts dragging him down the steps into the lab.

Seonghwa's heart sank. He didn't understand why yunho was extremely upset with him. He hates it whenever the boy acts like this. It makes him feel sick to his stomach.

As yunho dragged him to the back where seulgi was, he already knew it was no good.

"You tell him what you told me." Yunho grits out to the sobbing girl on the floor. Seulgi shook her head 'no'.

"If you don't tell him, I'll cut your tongue out.."

Seonghwa's eyes widened. What the hell could she have possibly said that got yunho this fucking mad? Not only was he mad at her but him also. Yunho being upset with him is one of his fears because he hates doing wrong to the person that he loves so much.

"Okay! I told him that I over heard you on the phone with a few different females and that you were chatting them up.. flirting with them. Telling him that you were going to see these females for sex." seulgi said truthfully.

Seonghwa was upset by this. How could she say that to his lover when he never talked to a female like that nor wanted one in that way. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU TELL HIM THAT, SEULGI?! You know damn well that's not what happened."

"I FUCKING HATE YOU THATS WHY!" She yelled back at the other.

"Tell me what happened, Seonghwa." Yunho spoke softly. He could tell this was hurting him, he was shaking and visible upset. The older was ready to fucking puke cause he was so upset.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now