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"Hey, hwa?" Yunho says as he looks at all the things seonghwa has out for tomorrow. The older looks up at him for a brief moment before going over his notes, "Yes, pup?" He mutters.

"Me and Rosie are gonna go play outside. We will be back in soon, okay?" Seonghwa nods and waved the boy off. Yunho sent the male a closed smile as he leans over the table to give Seonghwa a lingering kiss on his lips. The black haired leans into the kiss for a moment before getting lured back into his notes.

Seeing Seonghwa being hyper focused into his work means he won't have to worry about him coming outside to find him.

Or at least he hopes he wouldn't..

With the small golden on his trail, yunho opens the back door to the lab and walks into the big backyard. It was quiet cold out, and yunho only had shorts and a sweater on. But that didn't stop him from finding his way deep into the woods.

He went to the spot that Jongho and him met last time. But the other wasn't there yet. Rosie sat in front of the puppy male, watching her surroundings. One thing for sure despite Rosie's small frame and innocent nature, She would never let yunho come in harms way in her sights.

She was always a good girl..

After waiting for a awhile, he started hearing a string of cuss words and twigs breaking coming closer to him. This made Rosie's hair stand on the back of her neck as she started to let out a low growl.

Yunho got a bit nervous cause he didn't want Rosie to start barking, causing seonghwa to come outside, "Rosie! Be quiet, baby.. before your daddy comes out here." He rolls his eyes at the thought of Seonghwa crying before trying to take on Jongho if he found out.

The small golden whines and presses her body against Yunho's bare legs. The puppy male rubs her head gently, he didn't want her to lose her cute little froggie hair clips. "It's okay, I promise.." he says gently when he sees Jongho coming closer to them.

"God, I fucking hate these wood with a passion. Nothing but thorns and spikes everywhere.." the older said annoyed. Yunho lets out a soft giggle at the boy's frustration.

Jongho eyed up the boy, he noticed that he was underdressed for the cold weather and he had small cuts and micro abrasions scattered all over his pale thighs. "Now, you knew it was cold outside, yet you still managed to not dress accordingly." He scolds the other.

Yunho shrugs, "bad habits. But I'm perfectly fine. Anyways, have you been doing okay?" He asks. Jongho looked exhausted.

"No but I'm cooping. I only had 3 mental breakdowns from when I last saw you. You literally drove me insane, just saying." Jongho smiles widely. He felt so much better being in the boy's presence.

Yunho pouts, he actually felt guilty for causing the other so much pain but theres literally nothing he can do about that. "I'm sorry, really.. I know now how much I mean to you. But I don't love you like how I love hwa.. but I do love you as my closest friend, I mean that though."

Jongho already came to terms that Yunho wouldn't be his as long as Seonghwa is alive. As much as he would love to have Seonghwa dead, he couldn't do that to yunho. But he'll accept his love through friendship because it's his only happiness in life to have Yunho stay in his life.

"I know.. but I'm okay with that. It took a while to get it through my thick head. As long as I still have you, that's all that matters." The older says softly.

Yunho wraps his arms around the male's waist, hugging him tightly. Jongho held the boy tightly in his arms, he needed this. "Do you mind if we stay like this for awhile? I missed you so damn much and I'm desperate for your touch to be honest.." Jongho mumbles into the boy's ear.

Manmade ☥ YunHwa (Yunho × Seonghwa) °•A.U.•°Where stories live. Discover now