chapter 01

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She didn't pay attention to her professor, her book wasn't even open to the right page. She went through all the news articles that had been going viral lately. About police shooting unarmed civilians, people randomly attacking others.

And then there was this flu going around. Fifteen people were gone from the class of sixty. 

Marcie glanced over at the vacant seat next to her. That's where her best friend, Lexi, usually sat. She had texted Marcie this morning saying she had caught this virus and wouldn't make it to class today.

But no one seems to be connecting the dots. They think it's completely unrelated. 

But what if it wasn't?

Suddenly, there were screams coming from outside.

Everyone turned their heads towards the windows. The professor ordered them to stay in their seats while he walked towards the right side of the room.

The college students watched as his eyes widened. They all stood up and ran to the windows as more screams pierced the air.

Marcella gasped as she watched a student attack a campus security officer, even after he tased him.

"Everyone remain calm." The professor stated before everyone began running out of the room.

Marcie grabbed her things, stuffing them into her backpack before following everyone else. She followed the crowd, taking out her phone to call Lexie, only to be sent to voicemail, "Holy shit, of all days for you to miss. The security dude tased another dude but it didn't stop him. They're fighting now, I'll try and record it for you."

Marcella opened the camera app and tried to get to the front of the crowd. She elbowed her way through and pressed the record button.

That's when she registered the security man's scream. Then she saw the blood.

"What the-"

The crowd began pushing, panicking, as the student moved away from the bleeding security guard. It went towards the nearest kid and grabbed him.

They all began to scream.

Marcella gripped her phone and began pushing towards her dorm building. She scanned her card to get in and rushed towards the stairs.

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