chapter 116

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He had finally showered and put on the outfit that Marcie laid out for him on their bed. A black button up and a pair of black jeans. Of course he wore his vest over the top of his shirt, which didn't surprise Marcie.

She stood next to him and brushed some of his hair away from his eyes, "You look good." She smirked.

Daryl glanced over her, his eyes moving up and down her body before standing up, "We goin' or nah?"

Marcie grabbed his hand and led him down the steps and towards Deanna's. They weren't very far down the street when a set of porch lights came on, which caught their attention,

"Daryl, Marcie, hey." Aaron greeted, stepping out his front door and onto his porch,

"Thought you were goin' to that party over there." Daryl mumbled, pointing towards the house,

"Oh, I was never going to go 'cause of Eric's ankle, thank God." Aaron reasoned,

"Why the hell did ya tell me ta go, then?" The hunter questioned him,

"I said try. You did. It's a thought that counts thing." He responded, "Hey, why don't you two come in? Have some dinner."

Marcie and Daryl shared a look, "Come on, it's some pretty serious spaghetti." Aaron added once he saw their hesitancy,

"Means we don't have to go to that party." Marcie told him.

Daryl nodded and she led him up the steps and into the house. Aaron took her jacket from her, hanging it up on the coat rack by the door before leading them further into the house.

The four of them sat at the dining room table, Aaron pouring them some red wine. The moment there was food on Daryl's plate, he began to devour it. Marcie didn't blame him, she couldn't remember the last time they had a home cooked meal that wasn't made from deer or squirrel.

"Thanks for the invitation." Marcie glanced between the two men, "Saved us from having to make awkward small talk with a bunch of strangers."

"Yeah." Daryl grunted, wiping his mouth on his sleeve, "Thanks."

"Mmm!" Eric swallowed some wine before speaking, "When you're out there, if you happen to be in a store or something, Mrs. Neudermyer is really looking for a pasta maker and we're all really trying to get her to shut up about it." Marcie furrowed her brows in confusion and glanced over at Daryl, "I mean, we have crates of dried pasta in here, but she wants to make her own or something. I really think she just wants something to talk about, so... if you see one out on your travels, it would go a long way to..." Eric paused when he saw the look on Aaron's face, telling him to shut up, "I thought it was done. You didn't ask them already?"

"Ask us what?" Marcie asked,

With that, Aaron led us towards his garage, which was filled with what looked like motorcycle parts,

"When I got the place, there was that frame and some parts and equipment. Whoever lived here built them." He explained,

"It's a lot of parts for one bike." Daryl commented as Marcie watched him go through the parts.

It was the first time she actually saw him interested in something here in Alexandria.

"Whenever I came across any parts out there, I brought them back. I didn't know what I'd need." Aaron responded, "I always thought I'd learn how to do it, but I get the feeling you already know what to do with it. And the thing is, you're going to need a bike."

"Why?" Marcie asked, looking back at him,

"I told Deanna not to give you two a job because I think I have one for you." Aaron glanced between Marcie and Daryl, "I'd like the both of you to be Alexandria's other recruiters. I don't want Eric risking his life anymore."

"You want us risking ours, right?" Daryl grunted,

"Yeah, because you know what you're doing. You're good out there. But you don't belong out there." Aaron directed his words towards the hunter, "I know it's hard getting used to people getting used to you. And I understand right now you need to be out there sometimes. So do I. But the main reason why I want you to help me recruit is because you do know the difference between a good person and a bad person." He then turned to Marcie, "And I know you're good at finding people. That's what you said in your interview. Deanna thought this would be a good fit for you."

Marcie and Daryl locked eyes, speaking to each other without words. Even if Marcie wasn't offered the job, she would follow Daryl out there.

He gave her a small nod and Marcie turned to Aaron, "We've got nothing else to do."

"I'll get you some rabbits." Daryl mumbled, checking out the the frame that was under the tarp.

Aaron left the two alone in the garage and Daryl began to tinker with all the parts. Marcie came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, "You know what this means, right?" He grunted, setting down the part and turned around to face her, "You have to teach me how to drive that thing once it's built."

He leaned down and kissed her gently, his hands moving up her body to cup her jaw. Marcie let out a small groan before pulling away, "Easy tiger, at least wait till we're back at the house."

Daryl quickly grabbed her by the thighs and lifted her up. Marcie squealed, locking her ankles behind him and he walked out of the garage and towards the street, "You need to drink wine more often." Marcie laughed.

The next morning, Rick, Carol, Daryl, Marcie, and Vivian gathered by the house outside the walls once again.

It was more awkward than usual. Vivian and Rick stood as far away from each other as they could without making it too obvious, and they avoided eye contact like crazy.

 Carol reached into her bag, pulling out a couple of small revolvers, "Take your pick."

"Look, I've been thinking. Do we really need these?" Daryl asked and they all looked at him with a surprised look, besides Marcie, "I mean, things go bad, yeah, sure. We do what we gotta do, but it's like you said. We don't need these for that. Right now we don't. You wanted me to try, right? I'm good."

Marcie had a small smile on her face as she reached for his hand and squeezed it gently.

She was grateful for Aaron, because without that job offer, she didn't think Daryl would make it in Alexandria.

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