chapter 115

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Debbie was in the living room, playing with Liam while the older siblings were getting ready for the party Deanna was throwing for the newcomers.

Finn came up behind Vivian, moving to slip on a sweatshirt, 

"You look like mom." He commented,

"Ouch." Vivian replied, turning and grabbing a jean jacket from the chair, "Way to hit me where it hurts."

Finn rolled his eyes, "I didn't mean it as an insult."

"I didn't think you could mean that in a good way." She slipped on some casual sneakers and moved to grab Liam's shoes

"Well, I meant it in a good way." He opened the door, "Debs, come on!"

"Coming!" The redhead held Liam's hand as they approached the front door. Vivian grabbed Liam, plopping him on the bench and sliding his shoes on before tightening the velcro, 

"Ready, buddy?"

"Yeah!" Liam grabbed his toy fire truck before getting off the bench. He ran out the door and Debbie was quick to follow after him.

"She hasn't been this happy in a while." Finn stated as they walked down the street behind the kids, towards Deanna's house, "Not since Emmett and Isaac."

"She deserves to be happy. Both of you." Vivian responded, 

"You do, too, big sis."

Liam hid behind Vivian's leg as they entered the house. Some of her group was already here, like Carl, Rick, and Carol. Rosita and Abraham were behind them, and Vivian was quick to compliment the woman, 

Women were quick to flock over to Vivian, gushing over the toddler that soon got over his nervousness and let them pinch his cheeks. He showed them his toy, recounting the time they got to ride in a fire truck when they went to Atlanta.

Debbie left to go talk to Carl, while Finn went to go get himself and Vivian a drink.

Judith let out a squeal at the sight of Vivian, and her chubby arms reached out for her. Carol handed the baby over to the woman and she was quick to bounce her around, 

"I've missed you, baby girl." Vivian kissed her head, smiling at the sound of Judith's giggling.

Maggie and Glenn had joined her after Finn delivered her drink and ditched to go make conversation. Liam was quick to show the man his new fire truck toy and Glenn entertained the toddler by playing with him.

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